Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 2.djvu/844

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

94 STAT. 2122

Reports to Congress. 22 USC 4063.

22 USC 4064.


22 USC 4065.

PUBLIC LAW 96-465—OCT. 17, 1980

contribution, out of any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated. (c) Requests for appropriations to the Fund under section 821(b) shall include reports to the Congress on the sums credited to the Fund under this section. SEC. 823. ANNUITY ADJUSTMENT FOR RECALL SERVICE.—(a) Any

annuitant recalled to duty in the Service under section 308(a) shall, while so serving, be entitled in lieu of annuity to the full salary of the class in which serving. During such service the recalled annuitant shall make contributions to the Fund in accordance with section 805. On the day following termination of the recall service, the former annuity shall be resumed, adjusted by any cost-of-living increases under section 825 that became effective during the recall period. (b) If the recall service lasts less than one year, the contributions of the annuitant to the Fund during recall service shall be refunded in accordance with section 815. If the recall service lasts more than one year, the annuitant may, in lieu of such refund, elect a supplemental annuity computed under section 806 on the basis of service credit and average salary earned during the recall period irrespective of the number of years of service credit previously earned. If the recall service continues for at least 5 years, the annuitant may elect to have his or her annuity determined anew under section 806 in lieu of any other benefits under this section. Any annuitant who is recalled under section 308 may upon written application count as recall service any prior service that is creditable under section 816 that was performed after the separation upon which his or her annuity is based. SEC. 824. REEMPLOYMENT.—(a) Notwithstanding any other law, any member of the Service who has retired and is receiving an annuity under this chapter, and who is reemployed in the Government service in any part-time or full-time appointive position, shall be entitled to receive the salary of the position in which he or she is serving plus so much of the annuity payable under this chapter which when combined with such salary does not exceed during any calendar year the basic salary the member was entitled to receive under this Act on the date of retirement from the Service. Any such reemployed member of the Service who receives salary during any calendar year in excess of the maximum amount which he or she may be entitled to receive under this subsection shall be entitled to such salary in lieu of benefits under this chapter. (b) When any such retired member of the Service is reemployed, the employer shall send a notice of such reemployment to the Secretary of State, together with all pertinent information relating to such employment, and shall pay directly to such member the salary of the position in which he or she is serving. (c) In the event of any overpayment under this section, such overpayment shall be recovered by withholding the amount involved from the salary payable to such reemployed member of the Service or from any other moneys, including annuity payments, payable under this chapter. SEC. 825. VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS.—(a) The voluntary contribu-

tion account shall be the sum of unrefunded amounts voluntarily contributed prior to the effective date of this Act by any participant or former participant under any prior law authorizing such contributions to the Fund, plus interest compounded at the rate of 3 percent per year to the date of separation from the Service or (in case of participant or former participant separated with entitlement to a deferred annuity) to the date the voluntary contribution account is