Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 2.djvu/903

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

PUBLIC LAW 96-466—OCT. 17, 1980

94 STAT. 2181

"§ 1509. Entitlement to independent living services and assistance 38 USC i509. "In any case in which the Administrator has determined under section 1506(d) of this title that the achievement of a vocational goal by a veteran is not reasonably feasible, such veteran shall be entitled, in accordance with the provisions of section 1520 of this title, to a program of independent living services and assistance designed to enable such veteran to achieve maximum independence in daily living. "§ 1510. Leaves of absence Regulations. 38 USC 1510. "The Administrator shall prescribe such regulations as the Administrator determines necessary for granting leaves of absence to veterans pursuing rehabilitation programs under this chapter. During authorized leaves of absence, a veteran shall be considered to be pursuing such program. "§1511. Regulations to promote satisfactory conduct and coopera- 38 USC I5ii. tion "The Administrator shall prescribe such rules and regulations as the Administrator determines necessary to promote satisfactory conduct and cooperation on the part of veterans who are pursuing rehabilitation programs under this chapter. In any case in which the Administrator determines that a veteran has failed to maintain satisfactory conduct or cooperation, the Administrator may, after determining that all reasonable counseling efforts have been made and are not reasonably likely to be effective, discontinue services and assistance unless the Administrator determines that mitigating circumstances exist. In any case in which such services and assistance have been discontinued, the Administrator may reinstitute such services and assistance only if the Administrator determines that— "(1) the cause of the unsatisfactory conduct or cooperation of such veteran has been removed; and "(2) the rehabilitation program which such veteran proposes to pursue (whether the same or revised) is suitable to such veteran's abilities, aptitudes, and interests. "§ 1512. Revolving fund loans 38 USC 1512. "The revolving fund established pursuant to part VII of Veterans Regulation Numbered 1(a) is continued in effect, and may be used by the Administrator, under regulations prescribed by the Administrator, for making advances, not in excess of twice the amount of the fulltime institutional monthly subsistence allowance for a veteran with no dependents (as provided in section 1508(b) of this title) to veterans pursuing rehabilitation programs under this chapter. Such advances, and advances from such fund made before the effective date of the Veterans' Rehabilitation and Education Amendments of 1980, shall Ante, p. 2171. bear no interest and shall be repaid in such installments, as may be determined by the Administrator, by proper deductions from future payments of compensation, pension, subsistence allowance, educational assistance allowance, or retirement pay. "§ 1513. Vocational rehabilitation for hospitalized members of the 38 USC 1513. Armed Forces and veterans "(a) Services and assistance may be provided under this chapter to a person described in section 1502(1)(B) and (2) of this title who is hospitalized pending discharge from active military, naval, or air service. In such cases, no subsistence allowance shall be paid.