Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 3.djvu/1046

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

94 STAT. 3690

CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS—DEC. 1, 1980 (17) In section 202 of the bill add the following sentence at the end of paragraph (1): "Lands, waters, and interests therein within the boundary of the park and preserve which were within the boundary of any national forest are hereby excluded from such national forest and the boundary of such national forest is hereby revised accordingly.". (18) Strike out section 1306(b)(2) of the bill and substitute: "(2) notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary, under such terms and conditions as he determines are reasonable, may lease or acquire by purchase, donation, exchange, or any other method (except condemnation) real property (other than Federal land), office space, housing, and other necessary facilities which the Secretary determines to be suitable for carrying out such purposes; and". (19) In sections 302 and 303 of the bill strike out the words "local rural residents" wherever such words appear and in each case substitute therefor the words "local residents". (20) In section 1303 of the bill strike out the words "lands not owned by the claimant" each time such words appear in such section and substitute in lieu thereof "public lands in each such instance. (21) In section 203 of the bill add at the end thereof the following sentence: "Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no fees shall be charged for entrance or admission to any unit of the National Park System located in Alaska.". (22) In section 503(j) of the bill strike out the word "Permits" and all that follows through the words "except that the", and insert in lieu thereof "The". (23) In section 1404 of the bill strike out "Section 14(a)(l)" from subsection (a) of such section and insert in lieu thereof "Section 14(c)(l)". (24) In section 1314 of the bill insert the word "system" between the words "park" and "monuments" in the second sentence of subsection (c) of such section. (25) In section 1417 of the bill strike out the word "properly" in subsection (d) of such section and insert in lieu thereof the word "pr(H)erty". (26) In section 1501 of the bill strike out the word "Range" and insert in lieu thereof the word "Refuge". (27) In section 303(BX3Xi) of the bill insert the word "natural" before the word "diversity". (28) In subsection (e) of section 906 of the bill strike out the period at the end of the first sentence of such subsection and insert in lieu thereof the following: ", other than lands within any conservation system unit or the National Petroleum Reserve—Alaska.". (29) In subsection (g) of section 906 of the bill strike out the period at the end thereof and insert in lieu thereof the following: , to the extent such an application could have been filed under such subsection (e).". (30) Strike out section 807 of the bill and substitute the following: "JUDICIAL ENFORCEMENT

"SEC. 807. (a) Local residents and other persons and organizations aggrieved by a failure of the State or the Federal Government to provide for the priority for subsistence uses set forth in section 804 (or