Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 3.djvu/1077

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

PROCLAMATION 4726—FEB. 21, 1980

94 STAT. 3721

pursuant to 46 U.S.C. 11, shall be without effect insofar as it would prevent the citizens of the Northern M a r i a n a Islands or the Government of the Northern Mariana Islands from using foreign-built, United States registered fishing vessels o w n e d by such citizens or o w n e d by or in the custody of the Government of the Northern M a r i a n a Islands to fish in the territorial sea and fishery conservation zone surrounding the Northern M a r i a n a Islands and to land their catch of fish in the Northern M a r i a n a Islands. 3. For the purposes of this proclamation, the s e a w a r d limit of the fishery conservation zone surrounding the Northern M a r i a n a Islands is 200 nautical miles from the baseline from which the b read t h of the territorial sea is measured, except that to the north of the Northern M a r i a n a Islands, the limit of the fishery conservation zone shall be determined by straight lines connecting the following points: 1. 20°52'42"N., 14120'53"E. 2. 23°02'19"N., 144°00'56"E. 3. 23°53'25"N., 14505'59"E. and, except that to the south of the Northern M a r i a n a Islands, the limit of the fishery conservation zone shall be determined by straight lines connecting the following points: 4. 15°43'28"N., 142°05'43"E. 5. 14°55'18"N., 143°15'29"E. 6. 14°47'43"N., 143°26'23"E. 7. 1430'07"N., 143°51'50"E. 8. 14°11'10"N., 144°26'36"E. 9. 1405'34"N., 144°36'47"E. 10. 13°57'14"N., 144°51'43"E. 11. 13°53'11"N., 144°59'19"E. 12. 13°51'18"N., 145°03'00"E. 13. 13°51'16"N., 145°03'05"E. 14. 1351'00"N., 145°03'36"E. 15. 13°50'11"N., 145°06'15"E. 16. 13°49'15"N., 145°08'37"E. 17. 13°47'40"N., 14512'31"E. 18. 13°46'00"N., 145°16'14"E. 19. 13°45'27"N., 145°17'23"E. 20. 13°41'18"N., 145°26'08"E. 21. 13°37'16"N., 145°34'33"E. 22. 13°36'23"N., 145°36'21"E. 23. 13°35'54"N., 145°37'14"E. 24. 13°16'24"N., 146°12'14"E. 25. 13°05'18"N., 146°32'02"E. 26. 13°00'17"N., 146°41'05"E. 27. 12°33'02"N., 147°29'57"E. 28. 12°14'34"N., 148"'03'11"E. 29. 12°13'55"N., 148°04'31"E. 4. For the purposes of this proclamation, a "citizen of the Northern M a r i a n a Islands " is defined as: (1) a n individual citizen of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands w h o is exclusively domiciled, within the meaning of Section 1005(e) of the Covenant, in the Northern M a r i a n a Islands; (2) a partnership, unincorporated company, or association w h o s e m e m b e r s are all citizens of the Northern Mariana Islands as defined in (1) above; or (3) a corporation incorporated under the laws of the Northern M a r i a n a Islands, of which the president or other chief executive officer and the chairman of the b o a r d of directors a r e citizens of the Northern M a r i a n a Islands a s defined in (1) a b o v e and no more of its directors than a minority of the n u m b e r n e c e s s a r y

48 USC 1681 '^°*®'