Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 3.djvu/257

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

PUBLIC LAW 96-513—DEC. 12, 1980

94 STAT. 2901

"(A) be transferred to the Retired Reserve, if he is qualified and apphes therefor; or "(B) if he is not qualified or does not apply therefor, be discharged from his reserve component. "(3) An officer in the Naval Reserve in an active status serving in the grade of commodore admiral or rear admiral and an officer in the Marine Corps Reserve in an active status serving in the grade of brigadier general or major general may be considered for early retirement by a continuation board convened under section 6410 of this title.". ELIMINATION FROM ACTIVE STATUS IN THE NAVAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS IN THE NURSE CORPS

SEC. 338. Subsection (a) of section 6397, relating to the elimination 10 USC 6397. of reserve officers in the Nurse Corps from active status, is amended to read as follows: "(a) An officer of the Naval Reserve in any grade in the Nurse Corps may be eliminated from an active status under the conditions prescribed in this title for the separation from the active-duty list of a regular officer in the same grade.". PART E—AMENDMENTS RELATING TO SPECIFIC POSITIONS RANK AND PRIVILEGES OF RETIREMENT OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE OFFICE OF BUDGET AND REPORTS

SEC. 341. Section 5064, relating to the Director and Assistant Director of the Office of Budget and Reports, is amended by striking out subsection (b) and redesignating subsections (c) and (d) as subsections (b) and (c), respectively. G R A D E OF THE CHIEF OF DENTAL DIVISION, BUREAU OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY

SEC. 342. Section 5138(a), relating to the grade of the Chief of the Dental Division in the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, is amended by striking out "in the grade of rear admiral" and inserting in lieu thereof "not below the grade of commodore admiral". RANK AND GRADE OF JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL OF THE NAVY

SEC. 343. Section 5148(b), relating to the Judge Advocate General of the Navy, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new sentence: "While so serving, the Judge Advocate General of the Navy shall be entitled to the rank and grade of rear admiral or major general, as appropriate, unless entitled to a higher rank and grade under another provision of law.". ABOLISHMENT OF POSITIONS OF ASSISTANT TO THE CHIEF OF NAVAL PERSONNEL FOR WOMEN AND DIRECTOR OF WOMEN MARINES

SEC. 344. (a) Section 5143, relating to the Assistant to the Chief of Repeal. Naval Personnel for Women, is repealed. (b) Section 5206, relating to the Director of Women Marines, is Repeal. repealed.


