Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 3.djvu/590

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

94 STAT. 3234

PUBLIC LAW 96-551—DEC. 19, 1980

Government should assist the States in fulfilling their responsibilities. (10) In order to preserve the scenic beauty and outdoor recreational opportunities of the region, there is a need to insure an equilibrium between the region's natural endowment and its manmade environment. 0)) In order to enhance the efficiency and governmental effectiveness of the region, it is imperative that there be established a Tahoe Regional Planning Agency with the powers conferred by this compact including the power to establish environmental threshold carrying capacities and to adopt and enforce a regional plan and implementing ordinances which will achieve and maintain such capacities while providing opportunities for orderly growth and development consistent with such capacities. (c) The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency shall interpret and administer its plans, ordinances, rules and regulations in accordance with the provisions of this compact. ARTICLE II.—DEFINITIONS

As used in this compact: (a) "Region," includes Lake Tahoe, the adjacent parts of Douglas and Washoe Counties and Carson City, which for the purposes of this compact shall be deemed a county, Iying within the Tahoe Basin in the State of Nevada, and the adjacent parts of the counties of Placer and El Dorado Iying within the Tahoe Basin in the State of California, and that additional and adjacent part of the county of Placer outside of the Tahoe Basin in the State of California which lies southward and eastward of a line starting at the intersection of the basin Crestline and the north boundary of section 1, thence west to the northwest corner of section 3, thence south to the intersection of the basin crestline and the west boundary of section 10; all sections referring to township 15 north, range 16 east, M.D.B. & M. The region defined and described herein shall be EIS precisely delineated on official maps of the agency. 0)) "Agency" means the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. (c) "Governing body" means the governing board of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. (d) "Regional plan" means the long-term general plan for the development of the region. (e) "Planning commission" means the advisory planning commission appointed pursuant to subdivision (h) of article III. (f) "Gaming" means to deal, operate, carry on, conduct, maintain or expose for play any banking or percentage game played with cards, dice or any mechanical device or machine for money, property, checks, credit or any representative of value, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, faro, monte, roulette, keno, bingo, fantan, twenty-one, blackjack, seven-and-a-half, big injun, klondike, craps, stud poker, draw poker or slot machine, but does not include social games played solely for drinks, or cigars or cigarettes served individually, games played in private homes or residences for prizes or games operated by charitable or educational organizations, to the extent excluded by applicable State law. (g) "Restricted gaming license" means a license to operate not more than 15 slot machines on which a quarterly fee is charged pursuant to NRS 463.373 and no other games.