Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 3.djvu/717

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

PUBLIC LAW 96-579—DEC. 23, 1980

94 STAT. 3361

years of submarine service, entitlement to that pay may again commence upon completion of 18 years of submarine service if the minimum operational submarine duty requirements have been met, and such pay shall continue for the period of time prescribed in accordance with this section. However, if entitlement to continuous monthly submarine duty incentive pay ceases in the case of any member at the completion of either 12 or 18 years of submarine service or 26 years of service (as computed under section 205 of this title), such member shall be entitled to that pay in the amount set forth in subsection (b) of this section for the performance of subsequent operational submarine duty, or for the performance of service as a member of a submarine operational command staff, if such member's duties require serving on a submarine during underway operations. "(5) For the purposes of this section, the term— Definitions. "(A) 'Operational submarine duty' means duty— "(i) while attached under competent orders to a submarine, while undergoing training preliminary to assignment to a nuclear-powered submarine, while undergoing rehabilitation after assignment to a nuclear-powered submarine, or, in the case of a member qualified in submarines, while attached as a member of a submarine operational command staff whose duties require serving on a submarine during underway operations— "(I) during one calendar month: 48 hours, except that hours served underway in excess of 48 as a member of a submarine operational command staff during any of the immediately preceding five calendar months and not already used to qualify for incentive pay may be applied to satisfy the underway time requirements for the current month; "(II) during any two consecutive calendar months when the requirements of subclause (I) of this clause have not been met: 96 hours; or "(III) during any three consecutive calendar months when the requirements of subclause (II) of this clause have not been met: 144 hours; "(ii) while receiving instruction to prepare for assignment to a submarine of advanced design, or "(iii) while receiving instruction to prepare for a position of increased responsibility on a submarine. "(B) 'Submarine service' means the service performed, under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy, by a member, and the years of submarine service are computed beginning with the effective date of the initial order to perform submarine service. "(b) A member who meets the requirements prescribed in subsection (a) of this section is entitled to monthly submarine duty incentive pay as follows: "ENLISTED MEMBERS Years of service computed under section 205 "Pay grade 2 or less

E-9 E-8 E-7

$165 165 165

Over 2

Over 3

Over 4

Over 6







165 165

165 165

185 185

200 190

220 195

230 205