Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 95.djvu/101

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1981

PUBLIC LAW 97-12—JUNE 5, 1981

95 STAT. 75

Provided, That $1,884,000 previously authorized for the acquisition of excess United States Postal Service properties pursuant to Public Law 95-429, under the heading "Federal Building Fund, Limitation 92 Stat. 1009. on Availability of Revenue", shall be made available for such purposes: Provided further. That the immediately foregoing limits of costs may be exceeded to the extent that savings are effected in other such projects but by not to exceed 10 per centum: Provided further, That all funds for direct construction projects shall expire on September 30, 1982, except for funds for projects as to which funds have been obligated in whole or in part prior to such date: (2) not to exceed $30,700,000 for real property operations: Provided, That any revenues and collections and any other sums accruing to this fund during fiscal year 1981, excluding reimbursements under section 210(f)(6), in excess of $1,647,525,000 shall remain in the Fund and shall not be available for expenditure except as authorized in appropriation Acts. GENERAL SUPPLY FUND (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

To increase the capital of the General Supply Fund, established by ^^ use 756 note, section 109 of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended (40 U.S.C. 756), $150,000,000, and in addition, $72,300,000, to be derived by transfer from operating surpluses in the fund in fiscal years 1978, 1979, and 1980: Provided, That the Adminis- 40 USC 756a. trator of the General Services Administration is authorized hereafter to retain from any surplus generated from the operation of the fund such sums as may be necessary to maintain a sufficient level of inventory of personal property to meet the needs of the Federal agencies. NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE OPERATING E X P E N S E S


For an additional amount for "Payment to Civil Service retirement and disability fund", $513,007,000. INTERGOVERNMENTAL PERSONNEL ASSISTANCE (RESCISSION)

Of the funds provided for the Intergovernmental Personnel Act Grant program for fiscal year 1981 in Public Law 96-536, $5,600,000 94 Stat. 3166. are rescinded: Provided, That no funds appropriated or made available by this or any other Act shall be available to fund the Intergovernmental Personnel Act Grant program after June 5, 1981. REVOLVING FUND

For additional working capital for the revolving fund of the Office of Personnel Management established by 5 U.S.C 1304(e), $1,800,000, to remain available until expended.