Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 95.djvu/1083

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1981

PUBLIC LAW 97-72—NOV. 3, 1981

95 STAT. 1057

"(C) the small business concern executes an agreement in writing satisfactory to the Administrator as provided by paragraph (4) of this subsection. "(3) The period of time for which the Administrator undertakes or suspends the obligation on a loan under this subsection may not exceed five years. The Administrator may extend the maturity of any loan on which the Administrator undertakes or suspends the obligation under this subsection for a corresponding period of time. "(4)(A) Before the Administrator may undertake or suspend a Agreement. veterans' small business concern's obligation under this subsection, the Administrator shall require the small business concern to execute an agreement to repay the aggregate amount of the payments which were required under the loan during the period for which the obligation was undertaken or suspended— "(i) by periodic pa3niients not less in amount or less frequently falling due than those which were due under the loan during such period, "(ii) pursuant to a repayment schedule agreed upon by the Administrator and the small business concern, or "(iii) by a combination of the method of payments described in clauses (i) and (ii) of this subparagraph. "(B) In addition to requiring the small business concern to execute the agreement described in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, the Administrator shall, before the undertaking or suspension of the obligation, take such action and require the small business concern to take such action as the Administrator considers appropriate in the circumstances, including the provision of such security as the Administrator considers necessary or appropriate, to assure that the rights and interests of the United States and any lender will be safeguarded adequately during and after the period in which such obligation is so undertaken or suspended. "§ 1843. Liability on loans 38 USC 1843. "Each individual who has an ownership interest in a veterans' small business concern that is provided a direct loan under this subchapter, or that obtains a loan guaranteed under this subchapter, shall execute a note or other document evidencing the direct or guaranteed business loan, and such individuals shall be jointly and severally liable to the United States for the amount of such direct loan or, in the case of a guaranteed loan, for any amount paid by the Administrator on account of such loan. "§ 1844. Approval of loans by the Administrator 38 USC 1844. "(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, a loan may not be guaranteed under this subchapter unless, before the closing of the loan, it is submitted to the Administrator for approval and the Administrator grants approval. "(b) The Administrator may exempt any lender of a class of lenders listed in section 1802(d) of this title from the prior approval requirement in subsection (a) of this section if the Administrator determines that the experience of such lender or class of lenders warrants such exemption. "(c) The Administrator may at any time upon thirty days' notice require loans to be made by any lender or class of lenders under this subchapter to be submitted to the Administrator for prior approval. No guaranty shall exist with respect to any such loan unless evidence of the guaranty is issued by the Administrator.