Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 95.djvu/1264

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1981

95 STAT. 1238

PUBLIC LAW 97-98—DEC. 22, 1981

"(7) The individual farm program acreage for each crop of upland cotton shall be determined by multiplying the allocation factor by the acreage of cotton planted for harvest on the farms for which individual farm program acreages are required to be determined. The farm program acreage shall not be further reduced by application of the allocation factor if the producers reduce the acreage of cotton planted for harvest on the farm from the acreage base established for the farm under paragraph (9)(A) of this subsection by at least the percentage recommended by the Secretary in the announcement of the national program acreage. The Secretary shall provide fair and equitable treatment for producers on farms on which the acreage of cotton planted for harvest is less than the acreage base established for the farm under paragraph (9)(A) of this subsection, but for which the reduction is insufficient to exempt the farm from the application of the allocation factor. In establishing the allocation factor for upland cotton, the Secretary may make such adjustment as the Secretary deems necessary to take into account the extent of exemption of farms under the foregoing provisions of this paragraph. "(8) The farm program payment yield for each crop of upland cotton shall be determined on the basis of the actual yields per harvested acre on the farm for the preceding three years, except that the actual yields shall be adjusted by the Secretary for abnormal yields in any year caused by drought, flood, or other natural disaster, or other condition beyond the control of the producers. In case farm yield data for one or more years are unavailable or there was no production, the Secretary shall provide for appraisals to be made on the basis of actual yields and program payment yields for similar farms in the area for which data are avedlable. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this paragraph, in the determination of yields, the Secretary shall take into account the actual yields proved by the producer, and neither such yields nor the farm program payment yield established on the basis of such yields shall be reduced under other provisions of this paragraph. If the Secretary determines it necessary, the Secretary may establish national, State, or county rogram payment jdelds on the basis of historical yields, as adjusted y the Secretary to correct for abnormal factors affecting such yields in the historical period, or, if such data are not available, on the Secretary's estimate of actual yields for the crop year involved. If national. State, or county program payment jdelds are established, the farm program payment yields shall balance to the national. State, or county program payment yields. "(9)(A) Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection, the Secretary may establish a limitation on the acreage planted to upland cotton if the Secretary determines that the total supply of upland cotton, in the absence of such limitation, will be excessive taking into account the need for an adequate carryover to maintain reasonable and stable supplies and prices and to meet a national emergency. Such limitation shall be achieved by applying a uniform percentage reduction to the acreage base for each cotton-producing farm. Producers who knowingly produce cotton in excess of the permitted cotton acreage for the farm shall be ineligible for cotton loans and payments with respect to that farm. The acreage base for any farm for the purpose of determining any reduction required to be made for any year as a result of a limitation under this subparagraph shall be the acreage planted on the farm to upland cotton for harvest in the crop year immediately preceding the year for which the determination is made or, at the discretion of the Secretary, the average acreage planted to upland cotton for harvest in the two crop