Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 95.djvu/1268

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1981

95 STAT. 1242


7 USC 1441.

7 USC 1347.

7 USC 1422.

SEC. 508. Effective beginning with the 1982 crop of extra long staple cotton, section 101(f) of the Agricultural Act of 1949 is amended to readasfoUov^: "(f) The provisions of this Act relating to price support for cotton shall apply severally to (1) American upland cotton and (2) extra long staple cotton described in subsection (a) and ginned as required by subsection (e) of section 347 of the Agricultural A(Oustment Act of 1938, as amended, except that, notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, price support shall be made available for the 1982 and each subsequent crop of extra long staple cotton through nonrecourse loans as provided in this subsection. If producers have not disapproved marketing quotas for any crop of extra long staple cotton, price support loans shall be made available to cooperators for such crop at a level which is not less than 75 per centum or more than 125 per centum in excess of the loan level established for Strict Low Middling one and one-sixteenth inch upland cotton (micronaire 3.5 through 4.9) of such crop at average location in the United States. If producers have disapproved marketing quotas for any crop of extra long staple cotton, price support loans shall be made available to cooperators for such crop at a level which shall be 50 per centum in excess of the loan level established for Strict Low Middling one and one-sixteenth inch upland cotton (micronaire 3.5 through 4.9) of such crop at average location in the United States. Nothing contained herein shall affect the authority of the Secretary to make price support available for extra long staple cotton in accordance with section 402 of this Act.". TITLE VI—RICE REPEAL OF PROVISIONS RELATING TO NATIONAL ACREAGE ALLOTMENTS, ALLOCATIONS, APPORTIONMENT, MARKETING QUOTAS, AND PENALTIES

Repeals. Io¥^^ o.. 1352-1356.

SEC. 601. Effective beginning with the 1982 crop of rice, sections 352,353,354,355, and 356 of the Agricultural Ac^ustment Act of 1938 are repealed. LOAN RATES, TARGET PRICES, DISASTER PAYMENTS, RICE ACREAGE REDUCTION PROGRAM, AND LAND DIVERSION FOR THE 1982 THROUGH 1985 CROPS OF RICE

7 USC 1441.

SEC. 602. Effective only for the 1982 through 1985 crops of rice, section 101 of the Agricultural Act of 1949 is amended by adding at the end thereof a new subsection as follows: "(i) Notwithstanding any other provision of law— "(1) The Secretary shall make available to producers in the several States of the United States loans and purchases for each of the 1982 through 1985 crops of rice at such level as bears the same ratio to the loan level for the preceding year's crop as the established price for each such crop bears to the established price for the preceding year's crop. If the Secretary determines that loans and purchases at the foregoing level for any of the 1982 through 1985 crops would substantially discourage the exportation of rice and result in excessive stocks of rice in the United States, the Secretary may, notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this paragraph, establish loans and purchases for any