Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 95.djvu/1356

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1981

95 STAT. 1330

Termination or Sntracts °" °^

PUBLIC LAW 97-98—DEC. 22, 1981

(5) may include practices and measures for enhancing fish and wildlife and recreation resources and for reducing or controlling agricultural-related pollution; and (6) identifies those conservation practices and measures, including planned grazing systems, needed to improve vegetative conditions, reduce erosion, and conserve water on range and pasturelands. (d) The landowner or operator, in any contract entered into under this subtitle, shall agree— (1) to carry out the plan for the owner's or operator's farm, ranch, or other land substantially in accordance with the schedule outlined therein unless any requirement thereof is waived or modified by the Secretary pursuant to subsection (f); (2) to forfeit further payments under the contract and refund to the United States all payments received thereunder, including interest, upon violation by the owner or operator of the contract at any stage during the time the owner or operator has control of the land if the Secretary, after considering the recommendations of the soil and water conservation district board for the district in which the lands are located, determines that such violation is of such a nature as to warrant termination of the contract, or to make refunds, including interest, or accept such payment adjustments as the Secretary may deem appropriate if the Secretary determines that the violation by the owner or operator does not warrant termination of the contract; (3) not to adopt any practice or measure specified by the Secretary in the contract which would tend to defeat the purposes of the contract; and (4) upon transfer, during the contract period, of the rights or interests of the owner or operator in the farm, ranch, or other land on which the plan is to be carried out, to forfeit all rights to further payments under the contract and refund to the United States all payments received thereunder, including interest, unless the transferee of any such land agrees with the Secretary to assume all obligations of the contract. (e) In return for such agreement by the landowner or operator, the Secretary shall agree to share the cost of carrying out those conservation practices and measures set forth in the contract for which the Secretary determines that cost sharing is appropriate and in the public interest. The portion of the costs to be shared shall be that part which the Secretary determines is necessary and appropriate to effectuate the implementation, and, if applicable, the maintenance of the conservation practices and measures under the contract, including the cost of labor. In determining the share of costs to be borne by the Federal Government, the Secretary shall take into consideration the particular social, economic, and environmental conditions of the geographic area involved and the degree of conservation to be achieved. The Secretary shall determine the maximum amount of cost-share assistance that may be provided to any single recipient. If adjustments from cultivated crops to permanent vegetative cover or changes in crop varieties are undertaken as a conservation practice or measure under the contract, cost-share assistance may be provided under such contract with regard to the income lost as a result of such adjustments. (f) The Secretary may terminate any contract with a landowner or operator by mutual agreement with the owner or operator if the Secretary determines that such termination would be in the public interest. The Secretary may agree to such modification of contracts