Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 95.djvu/1512

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1981

95 STAT. 1486

Report to congressional committees. 92 Stat. 1685, 1686.

PUBLIC LAW 97-103—DEC. 23, 1981

existing authority (including that contained in the Corporation's charter), and that such funds shall be used by the General Sales Manager to carry out the above activities. The General Sales Manager shall report directly to the Board of Directors of the Corporation of which the Secretary of Agriculture is a member. The General Sales Manager shall obtain, assimilate, and analyze all available information on developments related to private sales, as well as those funded by the Corporation, including grade and quality as sold and as delivered, including information relating to the effectiveness of greater reliance by the General Sales Manager upon loan guarantees as contrasted to direct loans for financing commercial export sales of agricultural commodities out of private stocks on credit terms, as provided in title I and II of the Agricultural Trade Act of 1978, Public Law 95-501, and shall submit quarterly reports to the appropriate committees of Congress concerning such developments. ° ^

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For necessary expenses of the Office of International Cooperation and Development to coordinate, plan and direct activities involving international development, technical assistance and training, international scientific and technical cooperation in the Department of Agriculture, $3,627,000, including those authorized by the Food and Agriculture Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3291), and the Office may utilize advances of funds, or reimburse this appropriation for expenditures made on behalf of Federal agencies, public and private organizations and institutions under agreements executed pursuant to the agricultural food production assistance programs (7 U.S.C. 1736) and the foreign assistance programs of the International Development Cooperation Administration (22 U.S.C. 2392). PUBLIC LAW 480

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7 USC 1721.

For expenses during the current fiscal year, not otherwise recoverable, and unrecovered prior years' costs, including interest thereon, under the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1691, 1701-1715, 1721-1726, 1727-1727f, 1731-1736g), as follows: (1) financing the sale of agricultural commodities for convertible foreign currencies and for dollars on credit terms pursuant to titles I and III of said Act, not more than $858,932,000, of which $381,032,000 is hereby appropriated and the balance derived from proceeds from sales of foreign currencies and dollar loan repayments, repayments on long-term credit sales and carryover balances; and (2) commodities supplied in connection with dispositions abroad, pursuant to title II of said Act, not more than $722,496,000, of which $722,496,000 is hereby appropriated and the balance to be derived from (Commodity Credit Corporation funds and from carryover balances: Provided, That not to exceed 10 percent of the funds made available to carry out any title of this paragraph may be used to carry out any other title of this paragraph.