Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 95.djvu/16

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1981



Public Law


97-122 97-123 97-124


97-126 97-127 97-128 97-129 97-130



97-133 97-134

97-135 97-136 97-137


Foreign Assistance and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1982. AN ACT Making appropriations for foreign assistance and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1982, and for other purposes E. Michael Roll Post Office. AN ACT To provide for the designation of the E. Michael Roll Post Office Social Security Act, amendment. AN ACT To amend the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1981 to restore minimum benefits under the Social Security Act National Guard members, Federal tort claim provisions. AN ACT To extend the Federal tort claims provisions of title 28, United States Code, to acts or omissions of members of the National Guard, and to provide that the remedy under those provisions shall be exclusive in medical malpractice actions involving members of the National Guard Union Station Redevelopment Act of 1981. AN ACT To amend the National Visitor Center Facilities Act of 1968 to provide for the rehabilitation and completion of Union Station in Washington, District of Columbia, and for other purposes John Archibald Campbell United States Courthouse. AN ACT To designate the John Archibald Campbell United States Courthouse Czechoslovakian Claims Settlement Act of 1981. AN ACT To provide for the final settlement of certain claims against Czechoslovakia, and for other purposes Army Corps of Engineers projects. AN ACT to (Reauthorize several projects within the jurisdiction of the Army Corps of Engineers Toxic Substances Control Act, amendment. AN ACT To amend the Toxic Substances Control Act to authorize appropriations for fiscal years 1982 and 1983 Record Carrier Competition Act of 1981. AN ACT To amend the Communications Act of 1934 to eliminate certain provisions relating to consolidations or mergers of telegraph and record carriers and to create a fully competitive marketplace in record carriage, and for other purposes National Patriotism Week. AN ACT To provide for the designation of the week commencing with the third Monday in February 1982 as "National Patriotism Week" Multinational Force and Observers Participation Resolution. JOINT RESOLUTION To authorize the participation of the United States in a multinational force and observers to implement the Treaty of Peace between Egypt and Israel Ninety-seventh Congress, second session. JOINT RESOLUTION Providing for the convening of the second session of the Ninety-seventh Congress Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1981. AN ACT To amend the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1978, to establish obligation limitations for fiscal year 1982, and for related purposes National Scleroderma Week. JOINT RESOLUTION To provide for the designation of February 7 through 13, 1982, as "National Scleroderma Week" Coast Guard appropriation authorization. AN ACT To authorize appropriations for the Coast Guard for fiscal year 1982, and for other purposes Bandon Marsh National Wildlife Refuge. AN ACT To provide for the establishment of the Bandon Marsh National Wildlife Refuge, Coos County, State of Oregon, and for other purposes


Dec. 29, 1981


Dec. 29, 1981


Dec. 29, 1981


Dec. 29, 1981


Dec. 29, 1981


Dec. 29, 1981


Dec. 29, 1981


Dec. 29, 1981


Dec. 29, 1981


Dec. 29, 1981


Dec. 29, 1981


Dec. 29, 1981


Dec. 29, 1981


Dec. 29, 1981


Dec. 29, 1981


Dec. 29, 1981


Dec. 29, 1981