Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 95.djvu/1630

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1981

95 STAT. 1604

42 USC 1396. 42 USC 1397.


Ante, p. 1596.

PUBLIC LAW 97-115—DEC. 29, 1981

"(3) A grant made under this section shall be used for the development of programs which provide a full continuum of services. Such services may include adult day health care; monitoring and evaluation of service effectiveness; supported living in public and private nonprofit housing; family respite services; preventive health services; home health, homemaker, and other rehabilitative and maintenance in-home services; services provided by geriatric health maintenance organizations; and other services which the Commissioner determines are appropriate, and which, at a minimum, provide for identification and assessment of the long-term care needs of older individuals, referral of such individuals to the appropriate services, and follow-up and evaluation of the continued appropriateness of such services with provision for re-referral as appropriate. "(b)(1) In making grants to States under this section, preference shall be given to applicants which demonstrate that— "(A) adequate State standards have been developed to ensure the quality of services provided; "(B) the State has made a commitment to carry out the program assisted under this section with the State agency responsible for the administration of title XIX of the Social Security Act or title XX of the Social Security Act, or both such agencies; "(C) the State will develop plans to finance the comprehensive program assisted under this section; and "(D) the State agency has a plan for statewide or designated regions of the State containing provisions designed to maximize access by older individuals to long-term care services. "(2) In awarding grants to or entering into contracts with agencies and organizations under this section, preference shall be given to applicants that possess the capability to establish community-based long-term care programs and demonstrate that a need exists for the establishment of such programs in the area to be served. "(3) Agencies and organizations assisted under this section shall establish procedures for evaluating the program assisted under this section, with respect to the benefits accruing to persons receiving assistance, the feasibility of the administrative model used for comprehensive coordination of services including coordination with other local programs, and the comparative costs and quality of services provided, and shall submit such evaluation to the Commissioner on a periodic basis. "(c) The Secretary shall involve appropriate Federal departments and agencies in carrying out the provisions of this section in order to assure coordination at the Federal level and to avoid duplication and shall include in the annual report to the Congress required by section 207, a report on the impact of grants made, or contracts entered into, on the experiences of grantees and contractors in meeting the requirements of this section, and on the comparative benefits and costs of projects assisted under this section. "(d) Sums appropriated to carry out this section shall, to the extent feasible, be used to support programs equitably distributed throughout the Nation between urban and rural areas. "SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS ON LEGAL SERVICES FOR OLDER AMERICANS

42 USC 3035c.

"SEC. 424. (a) The Commissioner shall make grants to, and enter into contracts with, public and private nonprofit agencies or organizations in order to—