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(B) the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs shall also report changes in laws within the^urisdiction of that committee sufficient to require reductions in appropriations for programs authorized by that committee so as to achieve savings in budget authority and outlays as follows: $4,776,000,000 in budget authority and $4,690,000,000 in outlays for fiscal year 1982; $6,360,000,000 in budget authority and $6,388,000,000 in outlays for fiscal year 1983; and $7,462,000,000 in budget authority and $7,440,000,000 in outlays for fiscal year 1984; / (10) the Senate Committee on the Judiciary shall report changes in laws within the jurisdiction of that committee sufficient to require reductions in appropriations for programs authorized by that committee so as to achieve savings in budget authority and outlays as follows: $116,000,000 in budget authority and $13,000,000 in outlays for fiscal year 1982; $133,000,000 in budget authority and $81,000,000 in outlays for fiscal year 1983; and $144,000,000 in budget authority and $124,000,000 in outlays for fiscal year 1984; (11)(A) the Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources shall report changes in laws within the jurisdiction of that committee which provide spending authority as defined in section 401(c)(2)(C) of Public Law 93-344, sufficient to reduce budget 3i use i35i. authority by $39,000,000 and outlays by $49,000,000 in fiscal year 1981; to reduce budget authority by $596,000,000 and outlays by $575,000,000 in fiscal year 1982; to reduce budget authority by $1,481,000,000 and outlays by $1,395,000,000 in fiscal year 1983; and to reduce budget authority by $2,452,000,000 and outlays by $2,311,000,000 infiscalyear 1984; and (B) the Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources shall also report changes in laws within the jurisdiction of that committee sufficient to require reductions in appropriations for programs authorized by that committee so as to achieve savings in budget authority and outlays as follows: $2,388,000,000 in budget authority and $414,000,000 in outlays for fiscal year 1981; $10,492,000,000 in budget authority and $8,225,000,000 in outlays for fiscal year 1982; $12,539,000,000 in budget authority and $11,069,000,000 in outlays for fiscal year 1983; and $15,048,000,000 in budget authority and $13,746,000,000 in outlays forfilscalyear 1984; (12) the Senate Committee on Small Business shall report changes in laws within the jurisdiction of that committee sufficient to require reductions in appropriations for programs authorized by that committee so as to achieve savings in budget authority and outlays as follows: $97,000,000 in budget authority and $67,000,000 in outlays for fiscal year 1981; $526,000,000 in budget authority and $390,000,000 in outlays for fiscal year 1982; $564,000,000 in budget authority and $541,000,000 in outlays for fisc^ year 1983; and $554,000,000 in budget authority and $533,000,000 in outlays for fiscal year 1984; (13) the Senate Committee on Veterans* Affairs shall report changes in laws within the jurisdiction of that committee which rovide spending authority as defined in section 401(c)(2)(C) of ublic Law 93-344, sufficient to reduce budget authority by $14,000,000 and outlays by $14,000,000 in fiscal year 1981; to reduce budget authority by $110,000,000 and outlays by $110,000,000 in fiscal year 1982; to reduce budget authority by $108,000,000 and outlays by $108,000,000 in fiscal year 1983; and to reduce budget authority by $106,000,000 and outlays by $106,000,000 in fiscal year 1984.