Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 95.djvu/496

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1981

95 STAT. 470

Ante, p. 445.

PUBLIC LAW 97-35—AUG. 13, 1981 (b) During the period beginning July 1, 1982, and ending September 30, 1987, the Secretary shall, in accordance with the provisions of this subtitle, make payments to State educational agencies for the purposes of this chapter. (c) Funds available under previously authorized programs shall be available for the purpose of such pa:pients in accordance with section 514(b)(2) of the Omnibus Education Reconciliation Act of 1981. ALLOTMENTS TO STATES

20 USC 3813.

"School-age population.' "States."

SEC. 563. (a) From the sxmis appropriated to carry out this chapter in any fiscal year, the Secretary shall reserve not to exceed 1 per centum for payments to Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands, to be allotted in accordance with their respective needs. The Secretary shall reserve an additional amount, not to exceed 6 per centum of the sums appropriated, to carry out the purposes of section 583. From the remednder of such sums the Secretary shall allot to each State an £unount which bears the same ratio to the amount of such remainder as the school-age population of the State bears to the school-age population of all States, except that no State shall receive less than an amount equal to 0.5 per centum of such remainder, (b) For the purposes of this section: (1) The term "school-age population" means the population 3gg(jflygthrough seventeen. (2) The term "States" includes the fifty States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. STATE APPLICATIONS

20 USC 3814.

SEC. 564. (a) Any State which desires to receive grants under this chapter shall file an application with the Secretary which— (1) designates the State educational agency as the State agency responsible for the administration and supervision of programs assisted under this chapter; (2) provides for a process of active and continuing consultation with the State educational agency of an advisory committee, appointed by the Governor and determined by the Governor to be broadly representative of the educational interests and the gener^ public in the State, including persons representative of— (A) public and private elementary and secondary schoolchildren; (B) classroom teachers; (C) parents of elementary and secondary schoolchildren; (D) local boards of education; (E) local and regional school administrators (including principals and superintendents);, (F) institutions of higher education; and (G) the State legislature; to advise the State educational agency on the allocation among authorized functions of funds (not to exceed 20 per centum of the amount of the State's £dlotment) reserved for State use under section 565(a), on the formula for the allocation of funds to local educational agencies, and on the planning, development, support, implementation, and evaluation of State programs assisted under this chapter; (3) sets forth the planned allocation of funds reserved for State Post, pp. 472,473, use Under section 565(a) among subchapters A, B, and C of this 475.