Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 95.djvu/608

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1981

95 STAT. 582

PUBLIC LAW 97-35—AUG. 13, 1981

"(Q) such other services consistent with the purposes of this title as the Secretary may approve in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Secretary; "(5) 'core services' means those services which shall be provided by a grantee, as determined by the Secretary by regulation; "(6) 'supplemental services' means those services which may be provided by a grantee, as determined by the Secretary by regulation; "(7) 'care services' means necessary services for the provision of care to pregnant adolescents and adolescent parents and includes all core services with respect to the provision of such care prescribed by the Secretary by regulation; "(8) 'prevention services' means necessary services to prevent adolescent sexual relations, including the services described in subparagraphs (A), (D), (E), (G), (H), (M), (N), (O), and (Q) of paragraph (4); "(9) 'adolescent' means an individual under the age of nineteen; and "(10) 'unemancipated minor' means a minor who is subject to the control, authority, and supervision of his or her parents or guardians, as determined under State law. "(b) Until such time as the Secretary promulgates regulations pursuant to the second sentence of this subsection, the Secretary shall use the regulations promulgated under title VI of the Health 42 USC 300a-2i. Services and Centers Amendments of 1978 which were in effect on the date of enactment of this title, to determine which necessary services are core services for purposes of this title. The Secretary may promulgate regulations to determine which necessary services are core services for purposes of this title based upon an evaluation of and information concerning which necessary services are essential to carry out the purposes of this title and taking into account (1) factors such as whether services are to be provided in urban or rural areas, the ethnic groups to be served, and the nature of the populations to be served, and (2) the results of the evaluations required under section 2006(b). The Secretary may from time to time revise such regulations. "AUTHORITY TO MAKE GRANTS FOR DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS

42 USC 300Z-2.

"SEC. 2008. (a) The Secretary may make grants to further the purposes of this title to eligible grant recipients which have submitted an application which the Secretary finds meets the requirements of section 2006 for demonstration projects which the Secretary determines will help communities provide appropriate care and prevention services in easily accessible locations. Demonstration projects shall, as appropriate, provide, supplement, or improve the quality of such services. Demonstration projects shall use such methods as will strengthen the capacity of families to deal with the sexual behavior, pregnancy, or parenthood of adolescents and to make use of support systems such as other family members, friends, religious and charitable organizations, and voluntary associations. "(b) Grants under this title for demonstration projects may be for the provision of— "(1) care services; "(2) prevention services; or "(3) a combination of care services and prevention services.