Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 95.djvu/84

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1981

95 STAT. 58 94 Stat. 3166. 20 USC 1134d, 1134e. 20 USC 1015.

PUBLIC LAW 97-12—JUNE 5, 1981 96-536, as amended, for title IX, part B are available notwithstanding the provisions of section 922(b)(2) of the Higher Education Act: Provided further. That $2,200,000 of the amount made available in Public Law 96-536 for title I, part B of the Higher Education Act is available only for section 115(d). HIGHER EDUCATION FACILITIES LOAN AND INSURANCE FUND (DEFERRAL)

Deferral D81-82, transmitted in the Special Message of March 10, 1981 (House Document 97-28), is hereby disapproved. Funds proposed to be deferred in deferral D81-82 shall be obligated and expended. COLLEGE HOUSING LOANS (RESCISSION)

94 Stat. 3166.

Of the funds appropriated for participation sales insufficiencies for fiscal year 1981 in Public Law 96-536, as amended, $14,271,000 are rescinded. Payments of insufficiencies in fiscal year 1981 as may be required by the Government National Mortgage Association, as trustee, on account of outstanding beneficial interests or participations issued pursuant to section 302(c) of the Federal National Mortgage Association Charter Act, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1717) shall be made from the fund established pursuant to title IV of the Housing Act of 1950, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1749) using loan repayments and other income available duringfiscalyear 1981. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT (RESCISSION)

94 Stat. 3166.

20 USC 2881, 2941, 2951, 2961, 3051, 3311, 3361. 29 USC 873. 20 USC 1101, 1119, 1119a. 21 USC 1001 note. 42 USC 2929. 42 USC 1862. 20 USC 1231a. 20 USC 2881.

Of the funds provided for "School improvement" in Public Law 96-536, as amended, for fiscal year 1981, $37,843,000 of the amount appropriated for title II, title III (part A, part B, part C, and part L), and title IX, parts A and E of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, title III, section 303(c)(2) of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973, as amended, and title V (part A and part B), section 532 of the Higher Education Act, the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Education Act, part B of the Heacistart-Follow Through Act, section 3(a)(1) of the National Science Foundation Act of 1950, and section 422(a) of the General Education Provisions Act, as amended, are rescinded: Provided, That $17,225,000 shall be made available under title II, part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS (RESCISSION)

94 Stat. 3166.

20 USC 1221e-l.

Of the funds provided in Public Law 96-536, as amended, to carry out section 406 of the General Education Provisions Act, $1,000,000 are rescinded.