Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 96 Part 1.djvu/1009

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1982

PUBLIC LAW 97-258—SEPT. 13, 1982

96 STAT. 967

improper transportation rates or classifications or the failure to deduct the proper amount under a land-grant law or agreement. (d) This section does not apply to disbursements of a military department of the Department of Defense, except disbursements for departmental pay and expenses in the District of Columbia. § 3529, Requests for decisions of the Comptroller General (a) A disbursing or certifying official or the head of an agency may request a decision from the Comptroller General on a question involving— (1) a payment the disbursing official or head of the agency will make; or (2) a voucher presented to a certifying official for certification. (b) The Comptroller General shall issue a decision requested under this section. § 3530. Adjusting accounts (a) An appropriation or fund currently available for the expense of an accountable function shall be charged with an amount necessary to adjust an account of an accountable official or agent when— (1) necessary to adjust the account for a loss to the United States Government resulting from the fault or negligence of the official or agent; and (2) the head of the agency decides the loss is uncollectable. (b) An adjustment does not affect the personal financial liability of an official or agent for the loss. (c) The Comptroller General shall prescribe regulations to carry Regulations. out subsection (a) of this section. (d) Under procedures prescribed by the Comptroller General, the head of an agency may charge the net amount of unpaid and overpaid balances in individual pay accounts against the appropriation for the fiscal year in which the balances occurred and from which the accounts were payable. The net amount shall be credited to and paid from the corresponding appropriation for the next fiscal year. § 3531. Property returns (a) The head of an executive department— (1) shall certify to the Comptroller General a charge against an official or agent entrusted with public property for the department resulting from a loss to the United States Government from the property because of fault of the official or agent; and (2) may not forward the property to the Comptroller General. (b)(1) A certificate under subsection (a) of this section shall state— (A) the condition of the property; (B) that the official or agent has had a reasonable opportunity to be heard but has not been relieved of liability; and (C) that the certificate includes all charges not certified previously. (2) The effect of information in the certificate is the same as if the Comptroller General had discovered the information when auditing the account. The Comptroller General shall charge the appropriate account for the amount of the loss. (c) Except as provided in subsection (a) of this section, this section does not affect the way a property return is made or liability for property is decided.