Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 96 Part 1.djvu/1110

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1982

96 STAT. 1068

PUBLIC LAW 97-258—SEPT. 13, 1982 REPEALS

31 USC note prec. 101.

SEC. 5. (a) The repeal of a law by this Act may not be construed as a legislative inference that the provision was or was not in effect before its repeal. (b) The laws specified in the following schedule are repealed, except for rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred, and proceedings that were begun before the date of enactment of this Act: Schedule of Laws Repealed statutes at Large Statutes at Large Date

Chapter or Public Law

1874 Jan. 29 May 12 June 20

19... 168. 328.

June 22 June 23

343. 419. 455.


1 (4th par. under heading Denver, Colorado"), 4, 5. 6




1 (3d par. under heading "National Currency", par. immediately before heading "Smithsonian Institution").

476. 1875 Jan. 14 Feb. 18 Mar. 3

129. 130. 149.

1876 June 30 July 22

156 P.R. 17.

1877 Feb. 27


Mar. 3


1878 Feb. 28 May 31 June 8 June 19

1879 Feb. 14

20... 146. 170. 312. 329.


June 9 June 21 Dec. 22 1881 Feb. 1 Mar. 1 Mar. 3


6 45 97,109 124 202 206, 216 275

1 (3d, 4th complete pars, on p. 317, 11th par. on p. 319). 1 (6th par. 3d sentence under heading "War Department"). 2 (pars, for the offices of the Auditors)

1 (words after last semicolon).. (3d-9th, 11th, 13th complete pars, on p. 249). (provisos in par. under heading "Bureau of Engraving and Printing").

1 (1st, 2d sentences on p. 191, last par. under heading "Mint at Denver, Colorado", par. immediately before heading "Office of the Attorney General"). (2d par. words after 1st semicolon under heading "Bureau of Provisions and Clothing").

296 317, 319 359 397 481 64 215 249 353

25 87 102 167 191, 205

20 288

3 (last sentence words after semicolon).

33... 95... 133.

322 374 457