Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 96 Part 1.djvu/1404

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1982

96 STAT. 1362

PUBLIC LAW 97-300—OCT. 18, 1982 (26) coordinated programs with other Federal employmentrelated activities, (27) needs-based payments necessary to participation in accordance with a locally developed formula or procedure, and (28) customized training conducted with a commitment by an employer or group of employers to employ an individual upon successful completion of that training. EXEMPLARY YOUTH PROGRAMS

29 USC 1605.

Premployment skills training program.

Entry employment experience program.

SEC. 205. (a) In addition to the services for youth which may be available in accordance with section 204, the job training plan may, at the option of those responsible for its preparation, elect to include one or more of the exemplary youth programs described in subsections (b) through (e) of this section, each of which may be modified by the plan to accommodate local conditions. (b)(1) The job training plan may provide for the conduct of an "education for employment progrsun" for eligible youth who have not attained a high school diploma or who have educational deficiencies despite the attainment of a diploma, with priority given to high school dropouts. (2) The education for emplo3ment programs may provide for the maintenance of a network of learning centers offering individualized or group instruction in convenient locations, such as schools, neighborhood organizations, libraries, and other sites, including mobile vans in rural areas. (3) The curricula provided by such network shall be designed to prepare the student to meet State and locally determined general education diploma and basic education competency requirements. (4) For purposes of this section, priority shall be given in the selection of service providers to previously funded in-school and community based organization projects which are both cost-effective and of demonstrated success, and which otherwise meet criteria under this Act. (c)(l) The job training plan may provide for the conduct of a "premployment skills training program" for youth, and individuals aged 14 and 15, with priority being given to those individuals who do not meet established levels of academic achievement and who plan to enter the full-time labor market upon leaving school. (2) The premployment skill training program may provide youth up to 200 hours of instruction and activities. (3) The instruction and activities may include— (A) assessment, testing, and counseling; (B) occupational career and vocational exploration; (C) job search assistance; (D) job holding and survival skills training; (E) basic life skills training; (F) remedial education; (G) labor market information; and (H) job-seeking skills training. (d)(1) The job training plan may provide for the conduct of an "entry employment experience program" for youth who— (A) have completed premployment skills training or its equivalent; (B) have not recently held a regular part-time or summer job for more than 250 hours of paid employment, except that this