Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 96 Part 1.djvu/1453

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1982


Companies. See Corporations. Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Act of 1970, amendments 2064 Concurrent Resolutions: American National Red Cross, honoring of volunteers, sense of Congress 2673 Aviation insurance program 5 year extension, preparation of duplicate conference papers 2669 Balovlenkov, Yuri, freedom to emigrate from U.S.S.R., U.S. support, sense of Congress 2663 Betty Ford Center, establishment, and expression of gratitude to Betty Ford.. 2668 Canadian Constitution, congratulations on patriation from United Kingdom 2642 Communications and electronics industry, establishment of national center for advancement of science and technology 2674 ConfirrGss-"^ Adjournment...2639, 2641, 2644, 2662, 2667, 2672 Adjournment period, limitation 2662 Adjournment sine die 2680 Joint session to receive Presidential communication 2639 Congressional budget, fiscal years 1983-1985 and revision for fiscal year 1982 2647 Continuing appropriations, waiver of printing on parchment 2678 Depository institutions, federally insured, reaffirmation of fund security 2639 Education Consolidation and Improvement Act of 1981, disapproval of regulations 2662 Enrolled bills, corrections— Continuing appropriations, fiscal year 1983 (H.J. Res. 599) 2672 Futures Trading Act of 1982 (H.R. 5447) 2676 Indian tribal government (H.R. 5470) 2680 Job Training Partnership Act (S. 2036) 2671 Nuclear Regulatory Commission appropriations, etc. (H.R. 2330)....2676 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1982 (H.R. 6955) 2663 Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (H.R. 4961) 2664 Virgin Islands Nonimmigrant Alien Adjustment Act of 1982 (H.R. 3517) 2667

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Graduate School, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 60th anniversary, Congressional recognition Habib, Philip, expression of gratitude for service as Special Envoy to Middle East Hadassah, congratulations on 70th anniversary Holocaust, Days of Remembrance of Victims of the, Capitol Rotunda ceremony Iran, Baha'i community, condemnation of persecution of members. Israel, U.S. response to any illegal actions by United Nations General Assembly, sense of Congress King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr., bust or statue placement in Capitol Korea and U.S., 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations Motor vehicles, used, sale, disapproval of Federal Trade Commission regulations Niklus, Mart, release from imprisonment and emigration from U.S.S.R. to Sweden, U.S. support, sense of Congress Nudel, Ida, emigration to Israel, sense of Congress Older Americans Month, recognition, sense of Congress Pearl Street Centennial Day, commemoration Publication, printing of additional copies of General Explanation of the Revenue Provisions of the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 Shukhevych, Yuriy, release from imprisonment and emigration from U.S.S.R., U.S. support, sense of Congress Southeast Asia, Americans missing in, Congressional commitment to location and return Thailand, Rattanakosin Bicentennial, expression of congratulations Thorpe, James (Jim), recognition and restoration of Olympic records by International Olympic Committee Ukrainian citizens, persecution, imprisonment, and denial of human rights, U.S. objection, sense of Congress Ukrainian Orthodox and Catholic Churches in U.S.S.R., religious repression, sense of Congress

2674 2667 2643 2641 2670

2673 2679 2642 2644

2646 2679 2643 2669


2644 2675 2661


2645 2670

NOTE: Page references are to beginning pages of each law, except acts being amended or repealed, which cite to pages where the amendment actually appears.