Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 96 Part 1.djvu/254

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1982

96 STAT. 212 Effective date.



PUBLIC LAW 97-218—JULY 20, 1982 October 1, 1983. If the Secretary determines that one-half or more of the farmers voting in such referendum approve marketing quotas on a poundage basis for such kind of tobacco, then marketing quotas as provided in this section shall be in effect for such kind of tobacco for the three marketing years beginning October 1, 1983, and marketing quotas on an acreage basis shall cease to be in effect for such kind of tobacco for the two marketing years beginning on October 1, 1983. If marketing quotas on a poundage basis are not approved for such kind of tobacco by at least one-half of the farmers voting in such referendum, then quotas on an acreage basis shall be in effect for such kind of tobacco for the two marketing years beginning October 1, 1983. "If marketing quotas on an acreage basis are in effect for any such kind of tobacco, if, for a period of not less than three marketing years, a referendum has not been held under this section to determine whether producers of such kind of tobacco favor marketing quotas on a poundage basis for such kind of tobacco, and if the Secretary, after conducting public hearings in the area in which such kind of tobacco is produced, ascertains that producers and other interested persons favor marketing quotas on a poundage basis for such kind of tobacco, then the Secretary shall, at the time of the next announcement of the amount of the national marketing quota, announce national marketing quotas for the next three succeeding marketing years under this section. Within thirty days of such proclamation, the Secretary shall conduct a referendum of farmers engaged in the production of the most recent crop of such kind of tobacco to determine whether they favor the establishment of marketing quotas on a poundage basis for such kind of tobacco as provided in this section for the next three succeeding marketing years. If the Secretary determines that more than one-half of the farmers voting in such referendum approve marketing quotsis on a poundage basis under this section, then quotas on that basis shall be in effect for the next three succeeding marketing years and the marketing quotas on an acreage basis shall cease to be in effect at the beginning of such three-year period. If marketing quotas on a poundage basis are not approved by more than one-half of the farmers voting in such referendum, then the marketing quotas on an acreage basis shall continue in effect as theretofore proclaimed under this Act. "The Secretary shall determine and announce, not later than the February 1 preceding the second and third marketing years of any three-year period for which marketing quotas on a poundage basis are in effect for any such kind of tobacco under this section, the amount of the national marketing quota for such kind of tobacco for each of such years. If marketing quotas on a poundage basis have been made effective for such kind of tobacco under this section, then the Secretary shall, not later than February 1 of the last of three consecutive marketing years for which marketing quotas are in effect for such kind of tobacco under this section, proclaim a national marketing quota for such kind of tobacco for the next three succeeding marketing years as provided in this section. The Secretary shall conduct extensive hearings in the area in which such kind of tobacco is produced to ascertain whether producers favor marketing quotas on an acreage basis or on a poundage basis and shall proclaim the quota on the basis he determines most producers of such kind of tobacco favor. Within thirty days following such proclamation, the Secretary shall conduct a referendum in accord-