Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 96 Part 1.djvu/327

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1982

PUBLIC LAW 97-241—AUG. 24, 1982

96 STAT. 285

conditions as the Secretary may determine as a condition to the execution or performance in the United States of any contract or other agreement, the acquisition, retention, or use of any real property, or the application for or acceptance of any benefit (including any benefit from or authorized by any Federal, State, or municipal governmental authority, or any entity providing public services). "(c) Terms and conditions established by the Secretary under this section may include— "(1) a requirement to pay to the Director a surcharge or fee. Surcharge or fee. and "(2) a waiver by a foreign mission (or any assignee of or Waiver. person deriving rights from a foreign mission) of any recourse against any governmental authority, any entity providing public services, any employee or agent of such an authority or entity, or any other person, in connection with any action determined by the Secretary to be undertaken in furtherance of this title. "(d) For purposes of effectuating a waiver of recourse which is required under this section, the Secretary may designate the Director or any other officer of the Department of State as the agent of a foreign mission (or of any assignee of or person deriving rights from a foreign mission). Any such waiver by an officer so designated shall for all purposes (including any court or administrative proceeding) be deemed to be a waiver by the foreign mission (or the assignee of or other person deriving rights from a foreign mission). "(e) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to preclude or limit in any way the authority of the United States Secret Service to provide protective services pursuant to section 202 of title 3, United States Code, or section 3056 of title 18, United States Code, at a level commensurate with protective requirements as determined by the United States Secret Service. PROPERTY OF FOREIGN MISSIONS

"SEC. 205. (a)(1) The Secretary may require any foreign mission to 22 USC 4305. notify the Director prior to any proposed acquisition, or any proposed sale or other disposition, of any real property by or on behalf of such mission. If such a notification is required, the foreign mission (or other party acting on behalf of the foreign mission) may initiate or execute any contract, proceeding, application, or other action required for the proposed action— "(A) only after the expiration of the 60-day period beginning on the date of such notification (or after the expiration of such shorter period as the Secretary may specify in a given case); and "(B) only if the mission is not notified by the Secretary within that period that the proposal has been disapproved; however, the Secretary may include in such a notification such terms and conditions as the Secretary may determine appropriate in order to remove the disapproval. "(2) For purposes of this section, 'acquisition' includes any acquisi- "Acquisition.' tion or alteration of, or addition to, any real property or any change in the purpose for which real property is used by a foreign mission. "(b) The Secretary may require any foreign mission to divest itself of, or forgo the use of, any real property determined by the Secretary— "(1) not to have been acquired in accordance with this section; or