Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 96 Part 1.djvu/439

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1982

PUBLIC LAW 97-248—SEPT. 3, 1982

96 STAT. 397

payment to or in behalf of any individual who is otherwise eligible for such aid); and "(ii) at such time or times after the close of the period prescribed under clause (i) as the State agency may determine but not to exceed a total of 8 weeks in any 12 consecutive months; "(B) that any individual participating in a program of employment search under this paragraph will be furnished such transportation and other services, or paid (in advance or by way of reimbursement) such amounts to cover transportation costs and other expenses reasonably incurred in meeting requirements imposed on him under this paragraph, as may be necessary to enable such individual to participate in such program; and "(C) that, in the case of an individual who fails without good cause to comply with requirements imposed upon him under this paragraph, the sanctions imposed by paragraph (19)(F) shall be applied in the same manner as if the individual had made a refusal of the type which would cause the provisions of such paragraph (19)(F) to be applied (except that the State may at its option, for purposes of this paragraph, reduce the period for which such sanctions would otherwise be in effect).". (b)(1) Section 403(a)(3)(C) of such Act is amended by inserting 42 USC 603. immediately after "expenditures" the following: "(including as expenditures under this subparagraph the value of any services furnished, and the amount of any payments made (to cover expenses incurred by individuals under a program of employment search), under section 402(a)(35)(B))". (2) Section 403(a)(3) of such Act is further amended by striking out "other than services" in the matter immediately following subparagraph (C) and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "other than services furnished under section 402(a)(35)(B) (as described in the parenthetical phrase in subparagraph (C)), and other than services". (c) Section 409(b)(3) of such Act is amended— 95 Stat. 846. 42 USC 609. (1) in the first sentence— (A) by inserting ", any program of employment search under section 402(a)(35)," after "pursuant to this section", (B) by striking out "both such programs" and inserting in lieu thereof "more than one such program", and (C) by striking out "in the other" and inserting in lieu thereof "in another"; and (2) in the second sentence, by striking out "both such programs" and inserting in lieu thereof "more than one such program". (d) The amendments made by this section shall become effective Effective date. 42 " " ' ' " " " note. on October 1, 1982. ' " USC 602 PRORATION OF STANDARD AMOUNT FOR SHELTER AND UTILITIES

SEC. 155. (a) Section 412 of the Social Security Act is amended to 42 USC 612. read as follows: