Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 96 Part 1.djvu/731

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1982

PUBLIC LAW 97-248—SEPT. 3, 1982

96 STAT. 689

the maximum obligation of the United States may not be increased, except that— (1) in the case of any project for airport development (other than a project for land acquisition), the maximum obligation of the United States may be increased by not more than 10 percent; and (2) in the case of any acquisition of land or interests in land, the maximum obligation of the United States may be increased by an amount not to exceed 50 percent of the total increase in allowable project costs attributable to such acquisition in land or interests therein, based upon current credible appraisals. (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in the case of grants made under the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970 the maximum obligation of the United States may be increased Post, p. 695. by not more than 10 percent, and any such increase may be paid for only from funds recovered by the United States from other grants made under that Act. SEC. 513. PROJECT COSTS.

(a) ALLOWABLE PROJECT COSTS.—Except as provided in section 514 of this title, the United States may not pay, or be obligated to pay, from amounts appropriated to carry out the provisions of this title, any portion of a project cost incurred in carrying out a project for airport development or airport planning unless the Secretary has first determined that the cost is allowable. A project cost is allowable if— (1) it was a necessary cost incurred in accomplishing an approved project in conformity with the terms and conditions of the grant agreement entered into in connection with the project, including any costs incurred by a recipient in connection with any audit required by the Secretary pursuant to section 518(b) of this title; (2) it was incurred subsequent to the execution of the grant agreement with respect to the project, and in connection with airport development or airport planning accomplished under the project after the execution of the agreement. However, the allowable costs of a project for airport development may include any necessary costs of formulating the project (including the costs of field surveys and the preparation of plans and specifications, the acquisition of land or interests therein or easements through or other interests in airspace, and any necessary administrative or other incidental costs incurred by the sponsor specifically in connection with the accomplishment of the project for airport development, which would not have been incurred otherwise) which were incurred prior to the execution of the grant agreement and subsequent to May 13, 1946, and the allowable costs of a project for airport planning may include any necessary and direct costs associated with developing the project work scope which were incurred subsequent to May 13, 1946; (3) in the opinion of the Secretary it is reasonable in amount, and if the Secretary determines that a project cost is unreasonable in amount, the Secretary may allow as an allowable project cost only so much of such project cost as the Secretary determines to be reasonable, except that in no event may the Secretary allow project costs in excess of the definite amount stated

49 USC 2212.