Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 96 Part 1.djvu/929

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1982

PUBLIC LAW 97-258—SEPT. 13, 1982 SUBCHAPTER H-GENERAL DUTIES AND POWERS Sec. 711. General authority. 712. Investigating the use of public money. 713. Audit of Internal Revenue Service and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. 714. Audit of Financial Institutions Examination Council, Federal Reserve Board, Federal reserve banks, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and Office of Comptroller of the Currency. 715. Audit of accounts and operations of the District of Columbia government. 716. Availability of information and inspection of records. 717. Evaluating programs and activities of the United States Government. 718. Availability of draft reports. 719. Comptroller General reports. 720. Agency reports. SUBCHAPTER HI-PERSONNEL 731. General. 732. Personnel management system. 733. Senior Executive Service. 734. Assignments and details to Congress. 735. Relationship to other laws. 736. Authorization of appropriations. 751. 752. 753. 754. 755. 771. 772. 773. 774. 775. 776. 777. 778. 779.

SUBCHAPTER IV—PERSONNEL APPEALS BOARD Organization. Chairman and General Counsel. Duties and powers. Action by the Comptroller General. Judicial review. SUBCHAPTER V-ANNUITIES Definitions. Annuity of the Comptroller General. Election of survivor benefits. Survivor smnuities. Refunds. Pajmient of survivor benefits. Annuity increases. Dependency and disability decisions. Use of appropriations.

SUBCHAPTER I-DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL ORGANIZATION § 701. Definitions In this chapter— (1) "agency" includes the District of Columbia government but does not include the legislative branch or the Supreme Court. (2) "appropriations" means appropriated anqounts and includes, in appropriate context— (A) funds; (B) authority to make obligations by contract before appropriations; and (C) other authority making amounts availably for obligation or expenditure. § 702. General Accounting Office (a) The General Accounting Office is an instrunjentality of the United States Government independent of the executive departments. (b) The head of the Office is the Comptroller General of the United States. The Office has a Deputy Comptroller General of the United States.

97-200 O—84—pt. 1

30: QL3

96 STAT. 887