Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 96 Part 1.djvu/933

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1982

PUBLIC LAW 97-258—SEPT. 13, 1982

96 STAT. 891

of the Federal Reserve System related to clauses (l)-(3) of this subsection. (c)(1) Except as provided in this subsection, an officer or employee of the General Accounting Office may not disclose information identifying an open bank, an open bank holding company, or a customer of an open or closed bank or bank holding company. The Comptroller General may disclose information related to the affairs of a closed bank or closed bank holding company identifying a customer of the closed bank or closed bank holding company only if the Comptroller General believes the customer had a controlling influence in the management of the closed bank or closed bank holding company or was related to or affiliated with a person or group having a controlling influence. (2) An officer or employee of the Office may discuss a customer, bank, or bank holding company with an official of an agency and may report an apparent criminal violation to an appropriate law enforcement authority of the United States Government or a State. (3) This subsection does not authorize an officer or employee of an agency to withhold information from a committee of Congress authorized to have the information. (d)(1) To carry out this section, all records and property of or used by an agency, including samples of reports of examinations of a bank or bank holding company the Comptroller General considers statistically meaningful and workpapers and correspondence related to the reports shall be made available to the Comptroller General. The Comptroller General shall give an agency a current list of officers and employees to whom, with proper identification, records and property may be made available, and who may make notes or copies necessary to carry out an audit. An agency shall give the Comptroller General suitable and lockable offices and furniture, telephones, and access to copying facilities. (2) Except for the temporary removal of workpapers of the Comptroller General that do not identify a customer of an open or closed bank or bank holding company, an open bank, or an open bank holding company, all workpapers of the Comptroller General and records and property of or used by an agency that the Comptroller General possesses during an audit, shall remain in the agency. The Comptroller General shall prevent unauthorized access to records or property. § 715. Audit of accounts and operations of the District of Columbia government (a) In addition to the audit carried out under section 455 of the District of Columbia Self-Government and Governmental Reorganization Act (Public Law 93-198, 87 Stat. 803; D.C. Code, § 47-117), the Comptroller General each year shall audit the accounts and operations of the District of Columbia government. An audit shall be carried out according to principles, under regulations, and in a way the Comptroller General prescribes. When prescribing the procedures to follow and the extent of the inspection of records, the Comptroller General shall consider generally accepted principles of auditing, including the effectiveness of accounting organizations and systems, internal audit and control, and related administrative practices. (b) The Comptroller General shall submit each audit report to Report to Congress and the Mayor and Council of the District of Columbia. Congress, Mayor The report shall include the scope of an,audit, information the mstrict^of Columbia.