Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 96 Part 1.djvu/972

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1982

96 STAT. 930

PUBLIC LAW 97-258—SEPT. 13, 1982 (d) An apportionment or a reapportionment shall be reviewed at least 4 times a year by the official designated in section 1513 of this title to make apportionments. § 1513. Officials controlling apportionments (a) The official having administrative control of an appropriation available to the legislative branch, the judicial branch, the United States International Trade Commission, or the District of Columbia government that is required to be apportioned under section 1512 of this title shall apportion the appropriation in writing. An appropriation shall be apportioned not later than the later of the following: (1) 30 days before the beginning of the fiscal year for which the appropriation is available; or (2) 30 days after the date of enactment of the law by which the appropriation is made available. (b)(1) The President shall apportion in writing an appropriation available to an executive agency (except the Commission) that is required to be apportioned under section 1512 of this title. The head of each executive agency to which the appropriation is available shall submit to the President information required for the apportionment in the form and the way and at the time specified by the President. The information shall be submitted not later than the later of the following: (A) 40 days before the beginning of the fiscal year for which the appropriation is available; or (B) 15 days after the date of enactment of the law by which the appropriation is made available. (2) The President shall notify the head of the executive agency of the action taken in apportioning the appropriation under paragraph (1) of this subsection not later than the later of the following: (A) 20 days before the beginning of the fiscal year for which the appropriation is available; or (B) 30 days after the date of enactment of the law by which the appropriation is made available. (c) By the first day of each fiscal year, the head of each executive department of the United States Government shall apportion among the major organizational units of the department the maximum amount to be expended by each unit during the fiscal year out of each contingent fund appropriated for the entire year for the department. Each amount may be changed during the fiscal year only by written direction of the head of the department. The direction shall state the reasons for the change. (d) An appropriation apportioned under this subchapter may be divided and subdivided administratively within the limits of the apportionment. (e) This section does not affect the initiation and operation of agricultural price support programs. § 1514. Administrative division of apportionments (a) The official having administrative control of an appropriation available to the legislative branch, the judicial branch, the United States International Trade Commission, or the District of Columbia government, and, subject to the approval of the President, the head of each executive agency (except the Commission) shall prescribe by regulation a system of administrative control not inconsistent with accounting procedures prescribed under law. The system shall be designed to—