Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 96 Part 1.djvu/978

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1982

96 STAT. 936

PUBLIC LAW 97-258—SEPT. 13, 1982 provided, reverts to the fund from which derived. The withdrawal shall be made not later than the November 15 occurring after the period of availability ends. When the head of the agency decides that part of a withdrawn unobligated balance is required to pay obligations and make adjustments, that part may be restored to the appropriate account. (b) Collections authorized to be credited to an appropriation, but not received before the transfer of the obligated balance under subsection (a)(1) of this section, are credited to the account into which the obligated balance was transferred. However, collections made by the Comptroller General for other agencies may be deposited in the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. (c) A withdrawal made under subsection (a)(2) of this section is accounted for and reported as of the fiscal year in which the appropriation concerned expires for obligation. (d) The obligated balance of an appropriation made available for obligation for a definite period under a discontinued appropriation heading may be merged at the end of the 2d complete fiscal year after the fiscal year for which an appropriation is available for obligation— (1) in the appropriation accounts provided under subsection (a) of this section; or (2) in other accounts established under this subchapter for discontinued appropriations of the agency responsible for paying the obligations. § 1553. Availability of appropriation accounts to pay obligations (a) Each appropriation account established under section 1552 of this title is accounted for separately and remains available until expended to pay obligations chargeable against any appropriation from which the account is derived. (b) Under regulations prescribed by the Comptroller General, obligations under subsection (a) of this section may be paid without prior action of the Comptroller General. However, this subchapter does not— (1) relieve the Comptroller General of the duty to make decisions requested under law; or (2) affect the authority of the Comptroller General to settle claims and accounts. § 1554. Review of appropriation accounts (a) The head of each agency shall review at least once a fiscal year each appropriation account established for the agency under section 1552 of this title. If the undisbursed balance is more than the obligated balance in the account, the excess shall be withdrawn in the way provided in section 1552(a)(2) of this title. If the obligated balance is more than the undisbursed balance, the excess may be restored to the account in an amount that is not more than the remaining unobligated balances of the appropriations available for the same general purposes. Before restoring an amount, the head of the agency shall make a report on the restoration as may be required by the President. (b) The review required under subsection (a) of this section shall be made as of the end of each fiscal year. A withdrawal or restoration under this section shall be made not later than December 31 of the following fiscal year. However, a withdrawal or restoration is accounted for and reported as of the close of the fiscal year to which