Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 96 Part 2.djvu/893

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PUBLIC LAW 97-000—MMMM. DD, 1982

PUBLIC LAW 97-425—JAN. 7, 1983

96 STAT. 2255

of such activities. The notice shall summarize the resources that can be made available for international cooperation and assistance in these fields through existing programs of the Department and the Commission, including the availability of: (i) data from past or ongoing research and development projects; (ii) consultations with expert Department or Commission personnel or contractors; and (iii) liaison with private business entities and organizations working in these fields. (2) The joint notice described in the preceding subparagraph shall be updated and reissued annually for 5 succeeding years. (c) Following publication of the annual joint notice referred to in paragraph (2), the Secretary of State shall inform the governments of non-nuclear weapon states and, as feasible, the organizations operating nuclear powerplants in such states, that the United States is prepared to cooperate with and provide technical assistance to non-nuclear weapon states in the fields of spent fuel storage and disposal, as set forth in the joint notice. The Secretary of State shall also solicit expressions of interest from non-nuclear weapon state governments and non-nuclear weapon state nuclear power reactor operators concerning their participation in expanded United States cooperation and technical assistance programs in these fields. The Secretary of State shall transmit any such expressions of interest to the Department and the Commission. (d) With his budget presentation materials for the Department and the Commission for fiscal years 1984 through 1989, the President shall include funding requests for an expanded program of cooperation and technical assistance with non-nuclear weapon states in the fields of spent fuel storage and disposal as appropriate in light of expressions of interest in such cooperation and assistance on the part of non-nuclear weapon state governments and nonnuclear weapon state nuclear power reactor operators. (e) For the purposes of this subsection, the term "non-nuclear weapon state" shall have the same meaning as that set forth in article IX of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (21 U.S.C. 438). (f) Nothing in this subsection shall authorize the Department or the Commission to take any action not authorized under existing law.

Joint notice, reissuance.

Expressions of interest.

"Non-nuclear weapon state."


301. (a) CONTENTS OF MISSION PLAN.—The Secretary shall 42 USC 10221. prepare a comprehensive report, to be known as the mission plan, which shall provide an informational basis sufficient to permit informed decisions to be made in carrying out the repository program and the research, development, and demonstration programs required under this Act. The mission plan shall include— (1) an identification of the primary scientific, engineering, and technical information, including any necessary demonstration of engineering or systems integration, with respect to the siting and construction of a test and evaluation facility and repositories; (2) an identification of any information described in paragraph (1) that is not available because of any unresolved scienSEC.