97 STAT. 1002 PUBLIC LAW 98-160—NOV. 21, 1983 Submittal to congressional committees. 94 Stat. 1040. Submittal to congressional committees. Submittal to congressional committees. REPORT ON STATUS OF RECOMMENDATIONS SEC. 207. (a)(1) Not later than January 1, 1984, the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs and the Director of the Office of Personnel Management shall submit to the Committees on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and House of Representatives (hereinafter in this section referred to as "the Committees") a joint report regarding the status of efforts to carry out the recommendations made in the report, prepared pursuant to section 117 of Public Law 96-330, entitled "Study of the Feasibility and Desirability of Converting Selected Health Care Occupations to title 38, United States Code", and transmitted by the Administrator to the Committees on September 1, 1982 (hereinafter in this section referred to as the "1982 report"). (2) The report required by paragraph (1) shall contain— (A) with respect to each recommendation in the 1982 report, information on the decision that has been made as to whether such recommendation is being implemented in the manner described in the report and, if not, as to whether it is to be implemented in a modified form or not implemented and a statement of the reasons for such decision, and of the position of each agency with respect to such recommendation and such decision; (B) the timetable for the actions planned for the implementa- tion of each recommendation that is being implemented either in its original form or as modified; (C) any further recommendation of the Administrator or Director, or both, for legislative or administrative action, or both, relating to the subject matter of the 1982 report; and (D) such other information relating to the subject matter of the 1982 report as the Administrator or the Director, or both, consider appropriate. (b)(1) Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Administrator shall submit to the Committees a report on the implementation of the amendments made by this title. The report shall include— (A) a description of the steps taken, as of the submission of the report, to exercise the authorities provided by such amendments and the justification for such steps; (B) a description of the steps planned, as of the submission of the report, to be taken to exercise such authorities (including the timetable for the implementation of such steps) and the justification for such steps; and (C) a description and justification of the extent to which such authorities have not been or are not planned to be exercised. (2) Not later than September 30, 1985, the Administrator shall submit to the Committees a report containing— (A) descriptions of (i) the results of the exercise of the authori- ties provided in the amendments made by this title, and (ii) the efforts under section 4101(b) of title 38, United States Code, to develop and carry out programs of education and training for career advancement for nursing assistants, noncertified, non- registered inhalation therapists, and other personnel employed in the Department of Medicine and Surgery who provide either direct patient-care services or services incident to direct patient- care services; (B) an evaluation of the effects of both the exercise of such authorities and such programs on the recruitment and reten-