Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/1061

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PUBLIC LAW 98-164—NOV. 22, 1983 97 STAT. 1029 UNITED STATES DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS WITH THE VATICAN SEC. 134. In order to provide for the establishment of United States diplomatic relations with the Vatican, the Act entitled "An Act making Appropriations for the Consular and Diplomatic Expenses of the Government for the Year ending thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, and for other purposes", approved February 28, 1867, is amended by repealing the following sentence (14 Stat. 413): "And no money hereby or otherwise appropriated shall be paid for the support of an American legation at Rome, from and after the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty- seven.". 22 USC 2656 note. USE OF HERBICIDES CONTAINING DIOXIN COMPOUNDS BY INTERNATIONAL COMMISSIONS SEC. 135. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, none of the funds made available under this Act for "International Commis- sions" for the fiscal year 1984 and the fiscal year 1985 shall be available for the use, by such commissions or their agents, of herbicides containing dioxin compounds. (b) Unless the Committee on Foreign Relations and the Committee on Environment and Public Works of the Senate, the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives, and the Governors of the affected border States are notified forty-five days in advance of the use of a herbicide by an international commission, funds appropriated for such usc shall not be available for obligation or expenditure. Such notification shall include— (1) the name of the herbicide; (2) an estimate of the quantity of herbicide planned for use; (3) an identification of the area on which the herbicide will be used; and (4) a description of the herbicide's chemical composition. Fundi ng restriction. FOREIGN SERVICE BUILDINGS ACT SEC. 136. The Foreign Service Buildings Act, 1926 (22 U.S.C. 292-301), is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new section: "SEC. 11. (a) Eligibility for award of contracts under this Act or of any other contract by the Secretary of State, including lease-back or other agreements, the purpose of which is to obtain the construc- tion, alteration, or repair of buildings and grounds abroad, when estimated to exceed $5,000,000, including any contract alternatives or options, shall be limited, after a determination that adequate competition will be obtained thereby, to (1) American-owned bidders and (2) bidders from countries which permit or agree to permit substantially equal access to American bidders for comparable diplo- matic and consular building projects, except that participation may be permitted by or limited to host-country bidders where required by international agreement or by the law of the host country or where determined by the Secretary of State to be necessary in the interest of bilateral relations or necessary to carry out the construction project. "(b)(1) Generally applicable laws and regulations pertaining to licensing and other qualifications to do business in the country in Contracts. Bidder qualifications. 22 USC 302.