Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/1132

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97 STAT. 1100 PUBLIC LAW 98-166—NOV. 28, 1983 be determined by the Judicial Conference of the United States: Provided further. That the number of staff attorneys to be appointed in each of the courts of appjeals shall not exceed the ratio of one attorney for each authorized judgeship. DEFENDER SERVICES For the operation of Federal Public Defender and Community Defender organizations, the compensation and reimbursement of expenses of attorneys appointed to represent persons under the 18 USC 3006A Criminal Justice Act of 1964, as amended, and the compensation of ^°^- attorneys appointed to represent jurors in civil actions for the protection of their employment, as authorized by law; $37,000,000, to remain available until expended. PEES OP JURORS AND COMMISSIONERS For fees and expenses and refreshments ofjurors; compensation of jury commissioners; and compensation of commissioners appointed in condemnation cases pursuant to Rule 71A(h) of the Federal Rules 28 USC app. of Civil Procedure; $43,500,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That the compensation of land commissioners shall not exceed the daily equivalent of the highest rate payable under section 5332 of title 5, United States Code. EXPENSES OP OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE COURTS For necessary operation and maintenance expenses, not otherwise provided for, incurred by the Judiciary, including the purchase of firearms and ammunition, $75,350,000. BANKRUPTCY COURTS, SALARIES AND EXPENSES For salaries and expenses of the judges and other officers and employees of the Bankruptcy Courts of the United States, not otherwise provided for, $100,895,000. SERVICES FOR DRUG DEPENDENT OFFENDERS For contractual services and expenses relating to the supervision 18 USC 3661 of drug dependent offenders, as authorized by Public Law 95-537, "t^- $5,000,000. SPACE AND FACILITIES For rental of space, alterations, and related services and facilities, including the procurement, transportation, and installation of furni- ture and furnishings for the United States Courts of Appeals, Dis- trict Courts, Bankruptcy Courts, and Claims Court, $142,624,000. COURT SECURITY For necessary expenses, not otherwise provided for, incident to the procurement, installation, and maintenance of security equipment and protective services for the United States Courts in courtrooms and adjacent areas, including building ingress-egress control, inspec- tion of packages, directed security patrols, and other similar activi- ties; $18,690,000, to be expended directly or transferred to the