Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/1214

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97 STAT. 1182 PUBLIC LAW 98-181—NOV. 30, 1983 Housing quality standards. "(4) The Secretary shall usc substantially all of the authority to enter into contracts under this subsection to make assistance pay- ments for families residing in dwellings to be rehabilitated with Post, p. 1196. assistance under section 17 and for families displaced as a result of rental housing development assisted under such section or as a Post, p. 1250. result of activities assisted under section 533 of the Housing Act of 1949. "(5) If a family vacates a dwelling unit before the expiration of a lease term, no assistance payment may be made with respect to the unit after the month during which the unit was vacated. "(6) A contract with a public housing agency for annual contribu- tions under this subsection shall be for an initial term of sixty months. The Secretary shall require (with respect to any unit) that (A) the public housing agency inspect the unit before any assistance pa3anent may be made to determine that it meets housing quality standards for decent, safe, and sanitary housing established by the Secretary for the purpose of this section, and (B) the public housing agency make annual or more frequent inspections during the con- tract term. No assistance payment may be made for a dwelling unit which fails to meet such quality standards, unless any such failure is promptlv corrected by the owner and the correction verified by the public housing agency. Payment "(7)(A) The amount of assistance payments under this subsection adjustments. may, in the discretion of the public housing agency, be adjusted as frequently as twice during any five-year period where necessary to assure continued affordability. The aggregate amount of adjust- ments pursuant to the preceding sentence may not exceed the amount of any excess of the annual contributions provided for in the contract over the amount of assistance payments actually paid (including amounts which otherwise become available during the contract period). "(B) For the purpose of subparagraph (A), each contract with a public housing agency for annual contributions under this subsec- tion shall provide annual contributions equal to 115 per centum of the estimated aggregate amount of assistance required during the first year of the contract. "(C) Any amounts not needed for adjustments under subpara- graph (A) may be used to provide assistance payments for additional families. "(D) Before making such adjustments the public housing agency shall consult with the public and the general local government regarding the impact of such adjustments on the number of families that can be assisted. "(8) A public housing agency may utilize not to exceed 5 per centum of the amount of authority available under this subsection to provide assistance with respect to cooperative or mutual housing wmch has a resale structure which maintains affordability for lower income families where the agency determines such action will assist in maintaining the affordability of such housing for such families.". RENEWAL OF SECTION 8 CONTRACTS 42 USC I437f. SEC. 208. Section 8(d)(2) of such Act is amended by adding at the end thereof the following: "A contract under this section may not be attached to the structure except where the Secretary specifically waives the foregoing limitation and the public housing agency approves such action, and the owner agrees to rehabilitate the