Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/1380

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97 STAT. 1348 PUBLIC LAW 98-194—DEC. 1, 1983 EFFECTIVE DATE AND APPLICABILITY 42 USC 254g SEC. 4. The amendments made by section 3 shall apply with ^°^- respect to agreements entered into under section 334 of the Public Ante, p. 1345. Health Service Act after the date of the enactment of this Act, but, to the extent feasible, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall revise agreements entered into under such section 334 before such date to reflect the amendments made by section 3. Approved December 1, 1983. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—S. 2129: CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 129 (1983): Nov. 18, considered and passed Senate and House.