Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/548

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97 STAT. 516 PUBLIC LAW 98-89 —AUG. 26, 1983 Post, p. 538. Issuances by American Bureau of Shipping. Appointment of representatives to Bureau. C!ompensation. § 3314. Expiration of certiflcate of inspection (a) If the certificate of inspection of a vessel expires when the vessel is on a foreign voyage, the vessel may complete the voyage to a port of the United States within 30 days of the expiration of the certificate without incurring the penalties for operating without a certificate of inspection. (b) If the certificate of inspection would expire within 15 days of sailing on a foreign voyage from a United States port, the vessel shall secure a new certificate of inspection before sailing, unless the voyage is scheduled to be completed prior to the expiration date of the certificate. If a voyage scheduled to be completed in that time is not so completed, the applicable penalties may be enforced unless the failure to meet the schedule was beyond the control of the owner, charterer, managing operator, agent, master, or individual in charge of the vessel. (c) When the certificate of inspection of a foreign vessel carrying passengers, operated on a regularly established line, expires at sea after leaving the country to which it belongs or when the vessel is in the United States, the Secretary may permit the vessel to sail on its regular route without further inspection than would have been required had the certificate not expired. This permission applies only when the vessel will be regularly inspected and issued a certificate before the vessel's next return to the United States. § 3315. Disclosure of defects and protection of informants (a) Each individual licensed under part E of this subtitle shall assist in the inspection or examination under this part of the vessel on which the individual is serving, and shall point out defects and imperfections known to the individual in matters subject to regula- tions and inspection. The individual also shall maJce known to officials designated to enforce this part, at the earliest opportunity, any marine casualty producing serious injury to the vessel, its equipment, or individuals on the vessel. (b) An official may not disclose the name of an individual provid- ing information under this section, or the source of the information, to a person except a person authorized by the Secretary. An official violating this subsection is liable to disciplinary action under appli- cable law. § 3316. United States classification societies (a) In carrying out this part, the Secretary may rely on reports, documents, and certificates issued by the American Bureau of Ship- ping or a similar United States classification society, or an agent of the Bureau or society. (b) Each department, agency, and instrumentality of the United States Government shall recognize the Bureau as its agent in classi- fying vessels owned by the Government and in matters related to classification, as long as the Bureau is maintained as an organiza- tion having no capital stock and paying no dividends. The Secretary and the Secretary of Transportation each shall appoint one repre- sentative (except when the Secretary is the Secretary of Transporta- tion, in which case the Secretary shall appoint both representatives) who shall represent the Government on the executive committee of the Bureau. The Bureau shall agree that the representatives shall be accepted by it as active members of the committee. The repre-