Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/690

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97 STAT. 658 PUBLIC LAW 98-94—SEPT. 24, 1983 Pay, allowances, and emolu- ments. Reimbursement ofU.S. strength of the Corps of the Cadets of the Academy under section 10 USC 4342. 4342 of this title. "(2) The Secretary of the Army, upon approval by the Secretary of Defense, shall determine the countries from which persons may be selected for appointment under this section and the number of persons that may be selected from each country. The Secretary of the Army may establish entrance qualifications and methods of competition for selection among individual applicants under this section and shall select those persons who will be permitted to receive instruction at the Academy under this section. "(b)(1) A person receiving instruction under this section is entitled to the pay, allowances, and emoluments of a cadet appointed from the United States, and from the same appropriations. "(2) Each foreign country from which a cadet is permitted to receive instruction at the Academy under this section shall reim- burse the United States for the cost of providing such instruction, including the cost of pay, allowances, and emoluments provided under paragraph (1) unless a written waiver of reimbursement is granted by the Secretary of Defense. The Secretary of the Army shall prescribe the rates for reimbursement under this paragraph. "(c)(1) Except as the Secretary of the Army determines, a person receiving instruction under this section is subject to the same regulations governing admission, attendance, discipline, resignation, discharge, dismissal, and graduation as a cadet at the Academy appointed from the United States. The Secretary may prescribe regulations with respect to access to classified information by a person receiving instruction under this section that differ from the regulations that apply to a cadet at the Academy appointed from the United States. "(2) A person receiving instruction under this section is not entitled to an appointment in an armed force of the United States by reason of graduation from the Academy. "(d) A person receiving instruction under this section is not subject to section 4346(d) of this title.". (2) Section 4345 of such title is repealed. (3) The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 403 of such title is amended by striking out the items relating to sections 4344 and 4345 and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "4344. Selection of persons from foreign countries.". (b)(1) Section 6957 of title 10, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: "§ 6957. Selection of persons from foreign countries "(a)(1) The Secretary of the Navy may permit not more than 40 persons at any one time from foreign countries to receive instruction at the Academy. Such persons shall be in addition to the authorized 10 USC 6954. strength of the midshipmen under section 6954 of this title. "(2) The Secretary of the Navy, upon approval by the Secretary of Defense, shall determine the countries from which persons may be selected for appointment under this section and the number of persons that may be selected from each country. The Secretary of the Navy may establish entrance qualifications and methods of competition for selection among individual applicants under this section and shall select those persons who will be permitted to receive instruction at the Academy under this section. 10 USC 4346. Repeal. 10 USC 4345.