Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/708

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97 STAT. 676 PUBLIC LAW 98-94—SEPT. 24, 1983 Five-Year Defense Plan of the Department of Defense for fiscal years 1985 through 1989 provide for with respect to NATO conventional capabilities; (7) the United States conventional programs and weapons that are provided for in the fiscal year 1985 budget and Five- Year Defense Plan of the Department of Defense for fiscal years 1985 through 1989 to enhance the disruption and destruction of Soviet follow-on echelons as well as fixed-site military targets; (8) the new weapons or systems which are available for such purpose that are not in the current budget or Five-Year Defense Plan of the Department of Defense; (9) a determination of what are the achievable NATO-wide improvements in conventional defense capability; and (10) a separate addendum and assessment by the Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, on measures necessary to improve NATO conventional defense capabilities, including a recom- mended plan for such measures. Report to (b) The President shall submit to the Congress not later than June Congress. j^ ^984, his recommendations and plan for improving NATO conven- tional defense capabilities. REPORT ON THE NUCLEAR POSTURE OF NATO Study. SEC. 1105. (a) The Secretary of Defense shall conduct a study on the tactical nuclear posture of the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- tion (NATO) and submit a report on the results of such study to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives not later than May 1, 1984. Such study shall include— (1) a detailed assessment of the current tactical nuclear bal- ance in Europe and that projected for 1990; (2) an assessment of the current, respective operational doc- trines for the use of tactical nuclear weapons in Europe of the Warsaw Pact and NATO; (3) an explanation of how the threat of the use of such weapons relates to deterrence and to conventional defense; (4) an identification of the number and types of nuclear warheads, if any, considered to be inessential to the defense structure of Western Europe, the quantity and type of such weapons that could be eliminated from Europe under appropri- ate circumstances without jeopardizing the security of NATO nations and an assessment of what such circumstances might be; (5) an explanation of the steps that can be taken to develop a rational and coordinated nuclear posture by NATO in a manner that is consistent with proper emphasis on conventional defense forces; and (6) an identification of any notable, relevant developments that have occurred since the submission to the Congress in April 1975 of the report entitled "The Theater Nuclear Force Posture in Europe", prepared by the Secretary of Defense pur- suant to section 302 of the Department of Defense Appropri- 88 Stat. 401. ation Authorization Act, 1975 (Public Law 93-365), which might cause the findings and conclusions of that report to require revision and such revisions in such report as the Secretary considers appropriate.