Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/71

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PUBLIC LAW 98-9—MAR. 24, 1983 97 STAT. 39 Public Law 98-9 98th Congress Joint Resolution Designating the week beginning March 20, 1983, as "National Mental Health Mar. 24, 1983 Counselors Week". [S.J. Res. 35] Whereas mental health counselors work in a specialized field of counseling which emphasizes the developmental and adjustive nature of mental health services; Whereas mental health counselors utilize individual and group counseling techniques oriented toward assisting individuals with methods of problem solving, personal and social development, decisionmaking, and the complex process of developing self-under- standing and making life decisions; Whereas mental health counselors work in conjunction with other helping professionals, such as psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers to determine the most appropriate counseling for each client; Whereas mental health counselors work in psychiatric hospitals, community mental health agencies, private clinics, college cam- puses, rehabilitation centers, and private practice, providing almost 50 per centum of direct delivery of mental health services; Whereas mental health counselors are individuals upon whom, by virtue of their education and extensive training, have been con- ferred masters or doctor of philosophy degrees in mental health counseling or community mental health counseling, or similar degree titles having a focus on mental health; and Whereas mental health counselors, after having earned such de- grees, have performed at least two years of supervised clinical counseling, and are licensed or certified as such in the State of their residence, or are certified by the National Academy of Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselors: Now, therefore, be it