Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 1.djvu/503

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

PUBLIC LAW 98-365—JULY 17, 1984 legal considerations, and any other standards or conditions which a private contractor shall be required to meet. (b) In selecting a contractor under this title, the Secretary shall consider— (1) ability to market aggressively unenhanced data; (2) the best overall financial return to the Government, including the potential cost savings to the Government that are likely to result from the contract; (3) ability to meet the obligations, concerns, considerations, standards, and conditions identified under subsection (a); (4) technical competence, including the ability to assure continuous and timely delivery of data from the Landsat system; (5) ability to effect a smooth transition with the contractor selected under title III; and (6) such other factors as the Secretary deems appropriate and relevant. (c) If, as a result of the competitive process required by section 202(a), the Secretary receives no proposal which is acceptable under the provisions of this title, the Secretary shall so certify and fully report such finding to the Congress. As soon as practicable but not later than thirty days after so certifying and reporting, the Secretary shall reopen the competitive process. The period for the subsequent competitive process shall not exceed one hundred and twenty days. If, after such subsequent competitive process, the Secretary receives no proposal which is acceptable under the provisions of this title, the Secretary shall so certify and fully report such finding to the Congress. In the event that no acceptable proposal is received, the Secretary shall continue to market data from the Landsat system. (d) A contract awarded under section 202 may, in the discretion of the Secretary, be combined with the contract required by title III, pursuant to section 304(b).

98 STAT. 455




SEC. 204. (a) After the date of the commencement of the contract described in section 202(a), the contractor shall be entitled to revenues from sales of copies of data from the Landsat system, subject to the conditions specified in sections 601 and 602. (b) The contractor may continue to market data previously generated by the Landsat system after the demise of the space segment of that system.

15 USC 4214.


SEC. 205. (a) The contract under this title shall provide that the 15 USC 4215. contractor shall act as the agent of the Secretary by continuing to supply unenhanced data to foreign ground stations for the life, and according to the terms, of those agreements between the United States Government and such foreign ground stations that are in force on the date of the commencement of the contract. (b) Upon the expiration of such agreements, or in the case of foreign ground stations that have no agreement with the United States on the date of commencement of the contract, the contract shall provide— i;::S-j