Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 1.djvu/510

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

98 STAT. 462




PUBLIC LAW 98-365—JULY 17, 1984 (A) conduct experimental space remote-sensing programs (including applications demonstration programs and basic research at universities); (B) develop remote-sensing technologies and techniques, including those needed for monitoring the Earth and its environment;and (C) conduct such research and development in cooperation with other Federal agencies and with public and private research entities (including private industry, universities, State and local governments, foreign governments, and international organizations) and to enter into arrangements (including joint ventures) which will foster such cooperation. (b)(l) The Secretary is directed to conduct a continuing program of— (A) research in applications of remote-sensing; (B) monitoring of the Earth and its environment; and (C) development of technology for such monitoring. (2) Such program may include support of basic research at universities and demonstrations of applications. (3) The Secretary is authorized and encouraged to conduct such research, monitoring, and development in cooperation with other Federal agencies and with public and private research entities (including private industry, universities. State and local governments, foreign governments, and international organizations) and to enter into arrangements (including joint ventures) which will foster such cooperation. (c)(1) In order to enhance the United States ability to manage and utilize its renewable and nonrenewable resources, the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior are authorized and encouraged to conduct programs of research and development in the applications of remote sensing using funds appropriated for such purposes. (2) Such programs may include basic research at universities, demonstrations of applications, and cooperative activities involving other Government agencies, private sector parties, and foreign and international organizations. (d) Other Federal agencies are authorized and encouraged to conduct research and development on the use of remote sensing in fulfillment of their authorized missions, using funds appropriated for such purposes. (e) The Secretary and the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration shall, within one year after the date of enactment of this Act and biennially thereafter, jointly develop and transmit to the Congress a report which includes (1) a unified national plem for remote-sensing research and development applied to the Earth and its atmosphere; (2) a compilation of progress in the relevant ongoing research and development activities of the Federal agencies; and (3) an assessment of the state of our knowledge of the Earth and its atmosphere, the needs for additional research (including research related to operational Federal remote-sensing space programs), and opportunities available for further progress. USE OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA

15 USC 4262.

SEC. 502. Data gathered in Federal experimental remote-sensing space programs may be used in related research and development programs funded by the Federal Government (including applications