Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 1.djvu/548

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

98 STAT. 500

PUBLIC LAW 98-369—JULY 18, 1984 Sec. 543. Exclusion of interest on loans used to finance acquisition of employer securities by an ESOP. Sec. 544. Assumption of estate tax liability by employer stock ownership plan or cooperative receiving employer securities. Sec. 545. Excise tax on certain dispositions of employer securities by employee stock ownership plans and certain cooperatives. Subtitle E—Miscellaneous Sec. 551. Treatment of certain distributions from a qualified terminated plan. Sec. 552. Partial termination for certain pension plans. Sec. 553. Distribution requirements for accounts and annuities of an insurer in a rehabilitation proceeding. Sec. 554. Extension of time for repayment of qualified refunding loans. Sec. 555. Technical amendments to the incentive stock option provisions. Sec. 556. Time for making certain section 83(b) elections. Sec. 557. Employer and employee benefit association treated as related persons under section 1239. Sec. 558. Elimination of retroactive application of amendments made by Multiemployer Pension Plan Amendments Act of 1980. Sec. 559. Telecomniunication employees. Sec. 560. Study of employee welfare benefit plans. Sec. 561. Limitation accrual of vacation pay. TITLE VI—TAX-EXEMPT BOND PROVISIONS Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec.

611. 612. 613. 614.

Subtitle A—Mortgage Subsidy Bonds 4-year extension of mortgage subsidy bond authority. Mortgage credit certificates. Authority to borrow from Federal Financing Bank. Elimination of certain exceptions to the application of the Mortgage Subsidy Bond Tax Act of 1980. Subtitle B—Private Activity Bonds PART I—GENERAL RESTRICTIONS

Sec. 621. Limitation on aggregate amount of private activity bonds. Sec. 622. Tax exemption denied where obligation directly or indirectly guaranteed by Federal Government. Sec. 623. Aggregate limit per taxpayer for small issue exception. PART II—ARBITRAGE LIMITATIONS

Sec. 624. Arbitrage on nonpurpose obligations. Sec. 625. Student loan bonds. PART III—OTHER RESTRICTIONS

Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec.

626. 627. 628. 629.

Denial of tax exemption to consumer loan bonds. Limitations on acquisitions of land, existing facilities, etc. Miscellaneous industrial development bond provisions. Certain public utilities treated as exempted persons under section 103(b); special rules for certain railroads. Sec. 630. Extension of small issue industrial development bond exception. Sec. 631. Effective dates. Sec. 632. Miscellaneous exceptions and special rules. Subtitle C—Miscellaneous Provisions Sec. 641. Clarification of treatment of certain exemptions for purposes of the Federal estate and gift taxes. Sec. 642. Reports with transfers of public housing bonds. Sec. 643. Tax-exempt status of obligations of certain educational organizations. Sec. 644. Local furnishing of electricity or gas. Sec. 645. Local furnishing of electricity or gas where facility initially authorized by Federal Government. Sec. 646. Treasury Department decisions affecting tax-exempt bonds. Sec. 647. Special rule for possessions and District of Columbia. Sec. 648. Special arbitrage rule. TITLE VII—TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS Sec. 701. Coordination with other titles.