Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 2.djvu/1227

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

PUBLIC LAW 98-511—OCT. 19, 1984

98 STAT. 2387

Council on Bilingual Education composed of twenty members appointed by the Secretary, one of whom shall be designated by the Secretary as Chairman. Members of the Council shall be persons experienced in dealing with the educational problems of children and other persons who are of limited English proficiency. Five members of the Council shall be State directors of bilingual education programs, at least three of whom shall represent States with large populations of limited English proficient students. Two members of the Council shall be experienced in research on bilingual education or evaluation of bilingual education programs. One member of the Council shall be experienced in research on methods of alternative instruction for language minority students or evaluation of alternative methods of instruction for such students. One member of the council shall be a classroom teacher of demonstrated teaching abilities using bilingual methods and techniques. One member of the Council shall be a classroom teacher of demonstrated teaching abilities using alternative instructional methods and techniques. One member of the Council shall be experienced in the training of teachers for programs of bilingual education. One member of the Council shall be experienced in the training of teachers for programs of alternative instruction. Two members of the Council shall be parents of students whose language is other than English, and one member of the Council shall be an officer of a professional organization representing bilingual education personnel. The members of the Council shall be appointed in such a way as to be generally representative of the significant segments of the population of persons of limited English proficiency and the geographic areas in which they reside. Subject to section 448(b) of the General Education Provisions Act, the Council shall continue to exist until October 1, 1988. "(b) The Council shall meet at the call of the Chairman, but, notwithstanding the provisions of section 446(a) of the General Education Provisions Act, not less often than four times in each year. "(c) The Council shall advise the Secretary in the preparation of general regulations and with respect to policy matters arising in the administration and operation of this title, including the development of criteria for approval of applications and plans under this title, and in the administration and operation of other programs for persons of limited English proficiency. The Council shall prepare and, not later than March 31 of each year, submit a report to the Congress and the President on the condition of bilingual education in the Nation and on the administration and operation of this title, including those items specified in section 751(c), and the administration and operation of other programs for persons of limited English proficiency. "(d) The Secretary shall procure temporary and intermittent services of such personnel as are necessary for the conduct of the functions of the Council, in accordance with section 445 of the General Education Provisions Act, and shall make available to the Council such staff, information, and other assistance as it may require to carry out its activities effectively.".

20 USC I233g.

20 USC I233e.


^"^^' P- 2385.

20 USC I233d.