98 STAT. 1540
PUBLIC LAW 98-409—AUG. 29, 1984
rfoF*^ oi »B ism Public information 30 USC 1227.
SEC. 7. The Secretary shall establish a center for cataloging current and projected scientific research in all fields of mining and mineral resources. Each Federal agency doing mining and mineral resources research shall cooperate by providing the cataloging center with information on work underway or scheduled by it. The cataloging center shall classify and maintain for public use a catalog of mining and mineral resources research and investigation projects in progress or scheduled by all Federal agencies and by such nonFederal agencies of government, colleges, universities, private institutions, firms, and individuals as may make such information available. INTERAGENCY COOPERATION
President of U.S. 30 USC 1228.
SEC. 8. The President shall, by such means as he deems appropriate, clarify agency responsibility for Federal mining and mineral resources research and provide for interagency coordination of such research, including the research authorized by this Act. Such coordination shall include— (1) continuing review of the adequacy of the Government-wide program in mining and mineral resources research; (2) identification and elimination of duplication and overlap between agency programs; (3) identification of technical needs in various mining and mineral resources research categories; (4) recommendations with respect to allocation of technical effort among Federal agencies; (5) review of technical manpower needs, and findings concerning management policies to improve the quality of the Government-wide research effort; and (6) actions to facilitate interagency communication at management levels. COMMITTEE
Establishment. 30 USC 1229.
30 USC 1221.
SEC. 9. (a) The Secretary shall appoint a Committee on Mining and Mineral Resources Research composed of^ (1) the Assistant Secretary of the Interior responsible for minerals and mining research, or his delegate; (2) the Director, Bureau of Mines, or his delegate; (3) the Director, United States Geological Survey, or his delegate; (4) the Director of the National Science Foundation, or his delegate; (5) the President, National Academy of Sciences, or his delegate; (6) the President, National Academy of Engineering, or his delegate; and (7) not more than six other persons who are knowledgeable in the fields of mining and mineral resources research, including two university administrators involved in the conduct of programs authorized by section 301 of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977, two representatives from the mining industry, a working miner, and a representative from the conservation community. In making these six appointments, the Secretary shall consult with interested groups.