Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 2.djvu/710

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

98 STAT. 1870


40 USC 885.

For public development activities and projects in accordance with the development plan as authorized by section 17(b) of Public Law 92-578, as amended, $4,500,000 to remain available for obligation until expended. FEDERAL INSPECTOR FOR THE ALASKA GAS PIPELINE PERMITTING AND ENFORCEMENT

For necessary expenses of the Federal Inspector for the Alaska Gas Pipeline, $1,430,000, of which not to exceed $1,000 may be used for official reception and representation expenses. UNITED STATES HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL COUNCIL HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL COUNCIL 36 USC 14011408.

For expenses of the Holocaust Memorial Council, as authorized by Public Law 96-388, $2,031,000. TITLE III—GENERAL PROVISIONS

Contracts. Public availability.

Timber. Exports.

Shawnee National Forest, 111. Petroleum and petroleum products. Natural gas. Lobbying

Hunting. Birds.

SEC. 301. The expenditure of any appropriation under this Act for any consulting service through procurement contract, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 3109, shall be limited to those contracts where such expenditures are a matter of public record and available for public inspection, except where otherwise provided under existing law, or under existing Executive order issued pursuant to existing law. SEC. 302. No part of any appropriation under this Act shall be available to the Secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture for use for any sale hereafter made of unprocessed timber from Federal lands west of the 100th meridian in the contiguous 48 States which will be exported from the United States, or which will be used as a substitute for timber from private lands which is exported by the purchaser: Provided, That this limitation shall not apply to specific quantities of grades and species of timber which said Secretaries determine are surplus to domestic lumber and plywood manufacturing needs. SEC. 303. No part of any appropriation under this Act shall be available to the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture for the leasing of oil and natural gas by noncompetitive bidding on publicly owned lands within the boundaries of the Shawnee National Forest, Illinois: Provided, That nothing herein is intended to inhibit or otherwise affect the sale, lease, or right to access to minerals owned by private individuals. SEC. 304. No part of any appropriation contained in this Act shall be available for any activity or the publication or distribution of literature that in any way tends to promote public support or opposition to any legislative proposal on which congressional action is not complete. SEC. 305. No funds appropriated by this Act shall be available for the implementation or enforcement of any rule or regulation of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, requiring the use of steel shot in connection with the hunting of waterfowl in any State of the United States unless the appropriate