Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 3.djvu/300

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

98 STAT. 2672

Post, p. 2676.

Post, p. 2679.

Ante, p. 2663. Regulations.

20 USC 1418. Funds.

PUBLIC LAW 98-527—OCT. 19, 1984

"(C) not more than 25 percent of such funds will be allocated to the agency or agencies designated under section 122(b)(l)(B) for the provision of services by such agency or agencies; "(D) such funds paid to the State under section 125 will be used to supplement and to increase the level of funds that would otherwise be made available for the purposes for which Federal funds are provided and not to supplant such non-Federal funds; and "(E) there will be reasonable State financial participation in the cost of carrying out the State plan. "(4)(A) The plan must provide for the examination not less often than once every three years of the provision, and the need for the provision, in the State of the four priority services. "(B) The plan must provide for the development, not later than the second year in which funds are provided under the plan after the date of the enactment of the Developmental Disabilities Act of 1984, and the timely review and revision of, a comprehensive statewide plan to plan, financially support, coordinate, and otherwise better address, on a statewide and comprehensive basis, unmet needs in the State for the provision of services for persons with developmental disabilities as follows: (i)(1) Except as provided in subclause (11), the plsm shall provide for the provision of at least one but not more than two priority services. "(II) In fiscal year 1987, the plan may provide for the provision of three priority services, "(ii) For any fiscal year after fiscal year 1986 for which the total appropriations under section 130 are at least $50,250,000, the plan shall provide for the provision of employment related activities among the priority services to be provided under the plan. "(iii) At the option of the State, the plan may provide for the provision of one or more additional services for persons with developmental disabilities from the services described in section 102(llXAXii). "(C) Notwithstanding the requirements of subparagraph (B), upon the application of a State, the Secretary, pursuant to regulations which the Secretary shall prescribe, may permit the portion of the funds which must otherwise be expended under the State plan for service activities in a limited number of services to be expended for service activities in additional services if the Secretary determines that the expenditures of the State on service activities in the initigilly specified services has reasonably met the need for those services in the State in comparison to the extent to which the need for such additional services has been met in such State. Such additional areas shall, to the maximum extent feasible, be areas within the priority services. "(D) The plan must be developed after consideration of the data collected by the State education agency under section 618(b)(3) of the Education of the Handicapped Act. "(E)(i) The plan must provide that not less than 65 percent of the amount available to the State under section 125 will be expended for service activities in the priority services. "(ii) The plan must provide that the remainder of the amount available to the State from allotments under section 125 (after making the expenditures required by clause (i) of this paragraph) shall be used for service activities for persons with developmental