Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 3.djvu/85

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

PUBLIC LAW 98-524—OCT. 19, 1984

98 STAT. 2457

handicapped and disadvantaged students in regular courses of vocational education. "CRITERIA FOR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT, INNOVATION, AND EXPANSION

"SEC. 252. (a) Subject to the provisions of this part, each State may 20 USC 2342. expend funds available under this part in the manner best suited to carry out the purposes of this Act within the State. Ante, p. 2435. "(b) Each State may make use of community-based organizations of demonstrated effectiveness, in addition to eligible recipients, for the use of funds available under this part in areas of the State in which there is an absence of sufficient vocational education facilities or in which the vocational education programs do not adequately address the needs of disadvantaged students or wherever the community-based organization can better serve disadvantaged students. "(c) Any project assisted with funds made available under this part shall be of sufficient size, scope, and quality to give reasonable promise of meeting the vocational education needs of the students involved in the project. "TITLE III—SPECIAL PROGRAMS "PART A—STATE ASSISTANCE FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION SUPPORT PROGRAMS BY COMMUNITY-BASED ORGANIZATIONS "APPLICATIONS

"SEC. 301. (a) Each community-based organization which desires to 20 USC 2351. receive assistance under this part shall prepare jointly with the appropriate eligible recipient and submit an application to the State board at such time, in such manner, and containing or accompanied by such information as the State board may require. Each such application shall— "(1) contain an agreement between the community-based organization and the eligible recipients in the area to be served, which includes the designation of fiscal agents established for the program; "(2) provide a description of the uses for which assistance is sought pursuant to section 302(b) together with evaluation crite- Post, p. 2458. ria to be applied to the program; "(3) provide assurances that the community-based organization will give special consideration to the needs of severely economically and educationally disadvantaged youth ages sixteen through twenty-one, inclusive; "(4) provide assurances that business concerns will be involved, as appropriate, in services and activities for which assistance is sought; "(5) describe the collaborative efforts with the eligible recipients and the manner in which the services and activities for which assistance is sought will serve to enhance the enrollment of severely economically and educationally disadvantaged youth into the vocational education programs; and "(6) provide assurances that the programs conducted by the community-based organization will conform to the applicable standards of performance and measures of effectiveness required of vocational education programs in the State.