Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 99 Part 1.djvu/271

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1985

PUBLIC LAW 99-83—AUG. 8, 1985

99 STAT. 249


(a) CATTLE AND HOGS.—(1) The Congress finds that— (A) livestock prices have been in decline for some time due to excessive supply partially caused by dramatic increases in importation of live cattle and hogs from Canada, which has increased by 1,000 percent in the last decade in the case of hogs alone; (B) American livestock producers are suffering from the same general economic crisis affecting all of agriculture, and many will face liquidation or foreclosure in the near future; and (C) the disparity between the United States and the Canadian dollar amounts to 32 to 34 percent and results in even further increases in Canadian hogs and cattle being imported into the United States. (2) Therefore, it is the sense of the Congress that the President should direct appropriate officials of the executive branch, including the United States Trade Representative, the Secretary of Agriculture, and the Secretary of Commerce, to aggressively pursue discussions with the Canadian Government directed toward immediate reduction in the Canadian export of cattle and hogs to the United States. (b) SOFTWOOD TIMBER.—(1) The Congress finds that— Forests and (A) softwood timber prices have been in decline for some time forest due to excessive supply partially caused by dramatic increases P^°^"cts. in importation of processed softwood timber from Canada, which has increased from 18 percent of the United States market in the last two years to 35 to 40 percent today; (B) American timber producers are suffering from this economic crisis, and the difficulty in acquiring timber from the National Forest System; and (C) the disparity between the United States and the Canadian dollar amounts to 32 to 34 percent and results in even further increases in processed softwood timber being imported into the United States. (2) Therefore, it is the sense of the Congress that the President should direct appropriate officials of the executive branch, including the United States Trade Representative, the Secretary of Agriculture, and the Secretary of Commerce, to aggressively pursue discussions with the Canadian Government directed toward immediate reduction in the Canadian export of softwood timber to the United States. SEC. 722. NICARAGUA. (a) SETTLEMENT OF THE CONFLICT.—The Congress—

(1) strongly supports national reconciliation in Nicaragua and the creation of a framework for negotiating a peaceful settlement to the Nicaraguan conflict; and (2) finds that the United States should, in assisting efforts to reach comprehensive and verifiable final agreements based on the Contadora Document of Objectives, encourage the Government of Nicaragua to pursue a dialogue with the armed opposition forces and their political representatives for the purposes of achieving an equitable political settlement of the conflict, including free and fair elections. (b) UNITED STATES CONCERNS ABOUT NICARAGUAN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC POUCIES.—The Congress finds and declares the following: